Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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All Rights Reserved © by Donald J. Shave

Person Page 17

Stephen Kirton

M, #401, Deceased, b. 1525, d. after 1525
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Stephen W Kirton (b. 1510, d. 15 August 1566)
Mother*Margaret Offley (b. 1501, d. 5 June 1574)
Pedigree Link


Birth1525Stephen Kirton was born in 1525 in Hillcommon, Somersetshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1525He died after 1525 at Saint James's Palace in the City of WestminsterG in Region of Greater London, England (Tudor), EuropeG+. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1525 is not known-surviving in 1525 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England
Person SourceStephen Kirton had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Father) Cooper, of 4 children-by Lydia

M, #402, Deceased, b. about 1865, d. after 1884
Pedigree Link


Family: Lydia Charlotte (b. about 1865, d. after 1884)

Son*Arthur Cooper (b. about 1881, d. after 1881)
Son*George Cooper (b. about 1882, d. after 1882)
Daughter*Mary Cooper (b. about 1883, d. after 1883)
Daughter*Lydia Charlotte Cooper+ (b. 27 August 1884, d. 7 March 1976)


Birthabout 1865(Father) Cooper, of 4 children-by Lydia, was born about 1865.
Marriagebefore 1880He and Lydia Charlotte were married before 1880.
Deathafter 1884He died The cause of his death (as a teenager aged 19) in the year of 1884 is not known after 1884 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. His death is not known; as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Father) Cooper, of 4 children-by Lydia, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

William Kirton

M, #403, Deceased, b. 1450, d. about 1474
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Margery Milborne (b. 1455, d. 1512)

Son*John William Kirton+ (b. 1474, d. 1529)

Person Exhibits

COA of William Kirton [in Coats of Arms & Flags]


Birth1450William Kirton was born in 1450 at SouthwarkG in Region of Greater London, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.
Deathabout 1474He died about 1474 at age ~24 in Region of Greater London, England (Medieval), EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 24) in the year of 1474 is not known-surviving in 1474 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceWilliam Kirton had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Mary Whalley

F, #404, Deceased, b. 1743, d. 1808
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Joseph Whalley (b. 1727, d. after 1743)
Mother*Margery Barnet (b. 1727, d. about 1781)
Pedigree Link


Family: John Webb (b. 1743, d. 1819)

Daughter*Ellin Webb (b. 5 June 1772, d. after 1772)
Daughter*Mary Webb+ (b. 4 February 1781, d. 21 July 1876)


Birth1743Mary Whalley was born in 1743 in County of Staffordshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.
Marriage28 February 1767John Webb and she were married on 28 February 1767 at Saint James the Great ChurchG in County of Staffordshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.1,2
Death1808She died The cause of her death (at the age of 65) in the year of 1808 is not known in 1808 at age ~65 in County of Staffordshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG. Her death is not known & it occurred in the Kingdom of Great Britain (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceMary Whalley had person sources.3
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1803], England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973
  2. [S585], England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988, Place: Audley, Staffordshire, England; Date Range: 1754 - 1875; Film Number: 1278827
  3. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Ernest J. Cooper

M, #405, Deceased, b. 1897, d. after 1901


Father*(Father), of Ernest-by Louisa (b. about 1882, d. after 1897)
Mother*Louisa Jane Cooper (b. 1879, d. after 1901)
Pedigree Link


Birth1897Ernest J. Cooper was born in 1897 in Weymouth, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.1
Deathafter 1901He died The cause of his death (at a young age of 4) in the year of 1901 is not known after 1901 in Weymouth, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG. His death is not known & it occurred in today's England (location not known; used birth place)
Residence1901Ernest J. Cooper lived in Weymouth, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG, in 1901. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S840], 1901 England Census, Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 1996; Folio: 84; Page: 19

George Cooper

M, #406, Deceased, b. about 1882, d. after 1882


Father*(Father) Cooper, of 4 children-by Lydia (b. about 1865, d. after 1884)
Mother*Lydia Charlotte (b. about 1865, d. after 1884)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1882George Cooper was born about 1882.
Deathafter 1882He died The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1882 is not known after 1882 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. His death is not known; as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person SourceGeorge Cooper had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Susanna Mary Peete, {Tagged} Parents

F, #407, Deceased, b. 22 January 1559, d. 1621
Pedigree Link


Family: Samuel Watson (b. 1550, d. 23 January 1620/21)

Daughter*Anna Watson+ (b. 27 December 1590, d. 27 December 1642)

Person Exhibits

Coat of Arms Pettes [in Coats of Arms & Flags]


Birth22 January 1559Susanna Mary Peete, {Tagged} Parents, was born on 22 January 1559 in England (Tudor), EuropeG+.1
Death1621She died in 1621 at age ~62 in Kingsbury, Warwickshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 62) in the year of 1621 is not known-surviving in 1621 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England
Christening22 January 1559Susanna Mary Peete, {Tagged} Parents, was christened on 22 January 1559 at Saint Cosmus and Saint Damian in the Blean in Blean, County of Kent, England (Tudor), EuropeG+.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1680], Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940

Anne Knight

F, #408, Deceased, b. 5 May 1631, d. 22 February 1704/05


Father*Richard Knight, {Tagged} Research/May Have Dup'D Him 7 Wives… (b. 14 January 1602/03, d. 4 August 1683)
Mother*Agnes Coffley (b. 1611, d. 22 March 1678/79)
Pedigree Link


Birth5 May 1631Anne Knight was born on 5 May 1631 at Test Valley BoroughG in Romsey, Hampshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Death22 February 1704/05She died on 22 February 1704/05 at age 73 in Colonial County of Essex, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+. The cause of her death (at the age of 73) on Friday, February 22nd, 1704 is not known-surviving in 1704 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceAnne Knight had person sources.1
Arrivalbefore 1691She arrived in the US at at Colony of PlymouthG+ in The Plymouth Colony (West of the Cape Cod Bay), British Colonial America (North America)G+, on or around before 1691 an actual Immigration event may not be present. The Arrival fact was created from differing birth & death locations; the date is from death date & location is presumed with a pre-1691 holdback (allowing use of the Plymouth Colony) / NFIA
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Ann Fry

F, #409, Deceased, b. 1650, d. before 30 October 1736
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Thomas Fry (b. about 1630, d. after 1688)
Mother*Dorothy (b. about 1630, d. after 1688)
Pedigree Link


Family: Humphrey Jolliffe (b. 22 October 1655, d. about 1730)

Daughter*Mary Jolliffe (b. 1682, d. 1736)
Son*Humphrey Jolliffe (b. 14 June 1686, d. 10 October 1686)
Son*Jon Jolliffe (b. 1687, d. 1730)
Son*James Jolliffe+ (b. 8 August 1699, d. 2 November 1777)
Daughter*Ann Jolliffe (b. 1702, d. after 1702)
Son*Arthur Jolliffe (b. 1702, d. 1764)
Son*William Jolliffe (b. 1706, d. after 1706)


Birth1650Ann Fry was born in 1650 in County of Dorsetshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Deathbefore 30 October 1736She died before 30 October 1736 in County of Dorsetshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 86) on Tuesday, October 30th, 1736 is not known-surviving in 1736 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place)1
Burial30 October 1736She was buried on 30 October 1736 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Abbotsbury, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.
Baptism2 February 1662Ann Fry was baptized on 2 February 1662 in Swanage, Dorsetshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. Ann is also shown as baptised on 5 Feb 1654, in Basilden, Berkshire, Tudor England and on 20 Feb 1661 in Swanage / used this event as it is sourced2
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1916], Dorset, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, Dorset History Centre; Dorchester, England; Dorset Parish Registers; Reference: PE/ABB:RE1/3
  2. [S1794], England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

Rebecca Cooley

F, #410, Deceased, b. 23 August 1671, d. 17 May 1744


Father*Obadiah Cooley (b. 27 January 1646, d. 3 September 1690)
Mother*Rebecca Williams (b. 20 April 1649, d. 18 October 1715)
Pedigree Link


Family: John Alvord Weller (b. 14 February 1670/71, d. 3 April 1734)

Son*John Weller (b. 27 December 1694, d. 1755)
Son*Obadiah Weller (b. 16 February 1696, d. 24 February 1696)
Son*Obadiah Weller (b. 28 August 1699, d. 17 March 1755)
Son*Thomas Weller (b. 4 September 1702, d. 1703)
Son*Jonathan Weller (b. 1 July 1705, d. 23 March 1733/34)
Daughter*Rebecca Weller (b. November 1708, d. 21 November 1709)
Son*Joseph Weller+ (b. 10 February 1709/10, d. February 1769)


Birth23 August 1671Rebecca Cooley was born on 23 August 1671 in Springfield, Colonial County of Hampden, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+.1,2,3,4,5,6
Marriage22 March 1693/94John Alvord Weller and she were married on 22 March 1693/94 in New Milford, Colonial County of Litchfield, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G.7,1,8
Death17 May 1744She died on 17 May 1744 at age 72 in Springfield, Colonial County of Hampden, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (at the age of 73) on Sunday, May 17th, 1744 is not known-surviving in 1744 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceRebecca Cooley had person sources.8
Historical factabout 1675She Springfield was under Indian siege when she was 4 years old; in Springfield, Colonial County of Hampden, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+, about 1675.
Residenceabout 1710She lived in Springfield, Colonial County of Hampden, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G, about 1710. She moved here from New Milford about 1710
Historical fact1739She Sold her share; see note; in 1739. She sold her share of her father's estate to her brothers-see Hampden County Deeds L: 363

Also see 1742 deed of her son John, where she gave up her share of property in New Milford-New Milford deeds 5: 134 + 254 + 463
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1923] Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Source number: 279.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: SAK.
  2. [S12], Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).Original data: Town and C;)
  3. [S570] Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births
  4. [S733] Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Birth year: 1671; Birth city: Springfield; Birth state: MA.
  5. [S167] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
  6. [S857] Godfrey Memorial Library, comp., American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
  7. [S733] Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Birth year: 1670; Birth city: Northampton; Birth state: MA.
  8. [S1116] Genealogical Publishing Co.; Baltimore, MD, USA; Volume Title: New England Marriages Prior to 1700

Mary Rogers

F, #411, Deceased, b. 1724, d. 29 June 1801


Father*Josiah J. Rogers, Sr. (b. 31 January 1678/79, d. 29 December 1757)
Mother*Lydia Goodsell (b. 3 May 1692, d. 30 January 1750/51)
Pedigree Link


Family: Joseph Weller (b. 10 February 1709/10, d. February 1769)

Daughter*Martha Weller+ (b. 22 August 1756, d. after 1797)
Daughter*Lydia Weller (b. 1760, d. after 1760)


Birth1724Mary Rogers was born in 1724 in Branford, Colonial County of New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G.1
Marriage18 December 1754Joseph Weller and she were married on 18 December 1754 at RoxburyG in Boston, Colonial County of Suffolk, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+.
Death29 June 1801She died The cause of her death (at the age of 77) on Monday, June 29th, 1801 is not known on 29 June 1801 at age ~77 in Northford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Connecticut
Person SourceMary Rogers had person sources.2
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File
  2. [S166] Operations Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA

Noah Bedford Daniels

M, #412, Deceased, b. 25 December 1898, d. 7 February 1970


Father*Bedford Daniels (b. about 1867, d. after 1930)
Mother*Kathrine McBride (b. about 1880, d. after 1940)
Pedigree Link


Family: Elsie Mae Heiskell, Adopting parent of Barbera, (b. 24 February 1906, d. 30 September 1979)

Son*James Bedford Daniels (b. 2 May 1926, d. 15 May 1994)
Daughter*Oletha Rosetta Daniels (b. 3 September 1930, d. 18 July 2003)
Daughter*Elsie Marie Daniels+ (b. 19 July 1938, d. 24 June 2009)
Daughter*Evelyn Daniels (b. 28 September 1952, d. 25 May 2003)
Daughter*Joyce Ann Daniels (b. 25 December 1960, d. 19 August 1974)

Person Exhibits

Noah Daniels Photo [in People]


Birth25 December 1898Noah Bedford Daniels was born on 25 December 1898 in County of Washington, Texas, United States (North America)G.1
Marriage24 July 1927He and Elsie Mae Heiskell, Adopting parent of Barbera, were married on 24 July 1927 in County of Hill, Texas, United States (North America)G.
Death7 February 1970He died The cause of his death (at the age of 72) on Saturday, February 7th, 1970 is not known on 7 February 1970 at age 71 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Texas
Burialafter 7 February 1970He was buried after 7 February 1970 at Buried in the Doris Miller Memorial Park at 1800 Bellmead DriveG in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, United States (North America)G.
NameNoah Bedford Daniels was also known as Bedfort.
Person SourceHe had person sources.2
Residence1910He lived at Justice Precinct 3G in County of Burleson, Texas, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1920He lived at Justice Precinct 3G in County of Burleson, Texas, United States (North America)G, in 1920. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA3
Residence1930He lived at Precinct 8, Rural HillG, in State of Texas, United States (North America)G, in 1930. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA4
Residence1935He lived at Rural HillG in State of Texas, United States (North America)G, in 1935. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA5
Residence1 April 1940He lived in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, United States (North America)G, on 1 April 1940. Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Religious Affiliationbefore 1970He was affiliated with Reverend before 1970.
Residencebefore 7 February 1970He lived in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, United States (North America)G, before 7 February 1970. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA6
Last Edited 18 August 2023


  1. [S874], 1910 United States Federal Census, Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Burleson, Texas; Roll: T624_1535; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 1375548
  2. [S1017], U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
  3. [S1831], 1920 United States Federal Census, Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Burleson, Texas; Roll: T625_1782; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 41; Image: 767
  4. [S1804], 1930 United States Federal Census, Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 8, Hill, Texas; Roll: 2357; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 0038; Image: 849.0; FHL microfilm: 2342091
  5. [S1025], 1940 United States Federal Census, Source Citation: Year: 1940; Census Place: Waco, McLennan, Texas; Roll: T627_4099; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 155-23
  6. [S1368], Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982

Esther Bassett

F, #413, Deceased, b. 1619, d. 20 January 1709/10


Father*William Bassett (b. 24 October 1600, d. 4 April 1667)
Mother*Elizabeth Tilden (b. 17 May 1603, d. 5 June 1667)
Pedigree Link


Birth1619Esther Bassett was born in 1619 in Colonial County of New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G+.
Death20 January 1709/10She died on 20 January 1709/10 at age ~91 in Marshfield, Colonial County of Plymouth, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (at the old-age of 90) on Sunday, January 20th, 1709 is not known-surviving in 1709 as a very old person was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceEsther Bassett had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Hannah Bassett

F, #414, Deceased, b. 1678, d. 10 January 1707/08


Father*Nathaniel Bassett (b. 1628, d. 16 January 1708/09)
Mother*Mary Dorcas Joyce (b. 19 September 1652, d. 10 June 1707)
Pedigree Link


Birth1678Hannah Bassett was born in 1678 in Yarmouth, Colonial County of Barnstable, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+.
Death10 January 1707/08She died on 10 January 1707/08 at age ~30 in Eastham, Colonial County of Barnstable, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (at the age of 29) on Monday, January 10th, 1707 is not known-surviving in 1707 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceHannah Bassett had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Jane Bassett

F, #415, Deceased, b. 1622, d. after 1622


Father*William Bassett (b. 24 October 1600, d. 4 April 1667)
Mother*Elizabeth Tilden (b. 17 May 1603, d. 5 June 1667)
Pedigree Link


Birth1622Jane Bassett was born in 1622 in Colonial County of New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G+. Source (unk) lists birth place as "The Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America" which is too early / replaced with New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America
Deathafter 1622She died after 1622 in Colonial County of New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G+. The cause of her death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1622 is not known-surviving in 1622 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Colony of Connecticut (location not known; used birth place) (source (unk) lists birth place as The Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America which is too early/replaced with New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America); source (unk) lists birth place as The Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America which is too early/replaced with New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America
Person SourceJane Bassett had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Rebecca Weller

F, #416, Deceased, b. November 1708, d. 21 November 1709


Father*John Alvord Weller (b. 14 February 1670/71, d. 3 April 1734)
Mother*Rebecca Cooley (b. 23 August 1671, d. 17 May 1744)
Pedigree Link


BirthNovember 1708Rebecca Weller was born in November 1708 in Springfield, Colonial County of Hampden, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G.
Death21 November 1709She died on 21 November 1709 at age ~1 in Springfield, Colonial County of Penobscot, Province of Maine, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (sadly, as an infant in their 2nd year) on Thursday, November 21st, 1709 is not known-surviving in 1709 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Maine
Person SourceRebecca Weller had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

John Rigler

M, #417, Deceased, b. 8 May 1715, d. 12 November 1794
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Daniel Rigler (b. 1691, d. 1719)
Mother*(Mother), of 2 children-by Daniel (b. about 1700, d. after 1726)
Pedigree Link


Family: Edith Walbridge (b. 1 April 1722, d. 3 November 1794)

Daughter*Lydia Rigler+ (b. 4 March 1739/40, d. 14 December 1815)
Daughter*Mary Rigler (b. 1742, d. after 1742)
Daughter*Christian Rigler (b. 1748, d. after 1748)
Daughter*Elizabeth Rigler (b. 1751, d. 14 December 1815)
Daughter*Susannah Rigler (b. 1755, d. after 1755)
Son*Henry Rigler (b. January 1760, d. after 15 July 1782)
Son*Joseph Rigler (b. about February 1762, d. after 1762)
Son*William Rigler (b. 2 July 1764, d. after 2 July 1764)
Daughter*Jane Rigler (b. about August 1767, d. after 1767)


Birth8 May 1715John Rigler was born on 8 May 1715 at North PoortonG in Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.
Marriage5 July 1736He and Edith Walbridge were married on 5 July 1736 at St Mary the VirginG in Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.1,2
Death12 November 1794He died on 12 November 1794 at age 79 at North PoortonG in Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 79) on Wednesday, November 12th, 1794 is not known-surviving in 1794 was difficult & it occurred in England of the Kingdom of Great Britain
Burial12 November 1794He was buried on 12 November 1794 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.3
Christening8 May 1715John Rigler was christened on 8 May 1715 in Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.4,5
Residencebefore 1794He lived in England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG+, before 1794. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA1
Last Edited 9 May 2023


  1. [S585], England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988
  2. [S1803], England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973
  3. [S1916], Dorset, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, Dorset History Centre; Dorchester, England; Dorset Parish Registers; Reference: PE/POW:RE1/5
  4. [S1794], England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
  5. [S2021], England & Wales, Christening Index, 1530-1980

Edith Walbridge

F, #418, Deceased, b. 17 August 1803, d. after 1803
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Thomas Walbridge (b. 1776, d. 16 April 1859)
Mother*Lydia (b. 20 May 1779, d. 10 June 1871)
Pedigree Link


Birth17 August 1803Edith Walbridge was born on 17 August 1803.
Deathafter 1803She died The cause of her death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1803 is not known after 1803 in Powerstock, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+. Her death is not known & it occurred in today's England
Person SourceEdith Walbridge had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Christoph Kröning

M, #419, Deceased, b. 6 March 1806, d. 18 August 1886


Father*Johannes David Kröning (b. 1760, d. after 1811)
Mother*(Mother), of 2 children-by Johannes (b. about 1790, d. after 1811)
Pedigree Link


Family 1: Maria Dorothea Willhelmine Goldbeck (b. 20 March 1800, d. after 1870)

Daughter*Margaret Kröning+ (b. about 1825, d. about 1846)
Daughter*Henrietta Henriette Sophia Caroline Kröning+ (b. 21 December 1825, d. 7 January 1911)
Daughter*Charlotte Kröning+ (b. 28 August 1828, d. 20 July 1921)
Daughter*Johanna Wilhelmina Minnie Kröning (b. 4 October 1833, d. 30 May 1901)
Daughter*Friedericka Kröning (b. 12 January 1841, d. 2 March 1926)

Family 2: Louise Schide (b. 13 March 1818, d. 20 March 1891)

Daughter*Hanna or Johanna Wilhelmina Friederica Kröning (b. 3 October 1835, d. after 1835)
Daughter*Ernestine Wilhelmine Kröning (b. 4 September 1838, d. 2 February 1925)
Daughter*Linestine Kröning (b. 1839, d. 1925)
Daughter*Frederika Kröning (b. 1840, d. after 1840)
Son*Friedrich Kröning (b. 31 January 1841, d. after 1841)
Son*Heinrich Kröning (b. 21 August 1843, d. 7 January 1930)
Daughter*Henrietta Kröning (b. 1844, d. after 1844)
Son*Charles Frederick William Kröning (b. 15 July 1848, d. 16 November 1927)
Son*(Son) Kröning (b. 17 September 1852, d. 17 September 1852)
Daughter*Agusta Kröning (b. 1853, d. after 1853)


Birth6 March 1806Christoph Kröning was born on 6 March 1806 at PommernG in Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG.
Marriagebefore 1830He and Maria Elisabeth Radke were married before 1830 in Region of Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Marriage date & location presumed / NFIA
Marriage5 February 1830He and Maria Dorothea Willhelmine Goldbeck were married on 5 February 1830 at BielikowoG in Behlkow, Pomerania, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG.
Marriagebefore 1833He and Louise Schide were married before 1833 in Region of Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Date is from source (Ancestry); location is a guess1
Death18 August 1886He died on 18 August 1886 at age 80 in Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+. The cause of his death in the State of Wisconsin at the age of 80 on Wednesday, August 18th, 1886 is not known2
Burialafter 18 August 1886He was buried after 18 August 1886 at Buried in the Evangelical Lutheran CemeteryG in Watertown, Dodge County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+.3
NameChristoph Kröning was also known as Christov.4
NameHe was also known as Kroening.
NameHe was also known as Christopher, Americanized.5
NameHe was also known as Johann Christoph.
NameHe was also known as Creuxfeld.
Person SourceHe had person sources.6
Residencebefore 1851He lived in Jummenschoff, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG, before 1851. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Departureabout April 1851He departed for the US from in Hamburg, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG, on or around about April 1851.7
Arrival20 June 1851He arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around on 20 June 1851 an actual Immigration event may not be present.8
Destinationbefore May 1858He arrived before May 1858 in State of Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Departureabout May 1858He departed for the US from in Hamburg, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG, on or around about May 1858. Age: 52 / 2nd trip / Event is captured as he boarded his ship in Hamburg
Arrival14 June 1858He arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around on 14 June 1858 an actual Immigration event may not be present. His 2nd Arrival was presumed to have brought his family to the US
Residence1864He lived at QueensG+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, in 1864. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Last Edited 8 November 2024


  1. [S831], Germany, Select Marriages, 1558-1929
  2. [S2187] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.,2012 Original data - Find A Grave 1-Feb-2013
  3. [S352] "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( 13 December 2015), Christoph Kroening, 1886; Burial, Watertown, Dodge, Wisconsin, United States of America, Lutheran Cemetery; citing record ID 7908472, Find a Grave,
  4. [S436] Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934, staatsarchiv Hamburg; Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 012; Seite: 187
  5. [S830], U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
  6. [S1212] WEAMER active tree, Ernestine Wilhelmine Kröning
  7. [S832], New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, Year: 1851; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Microfilm Roll: Roll 100; Line: 29; List Number: 764
  8. [S353] "United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897," database, FamilySearch ( 27 December 2014), Christoph Kroening, 14 Jun 1858; citing Germans to America Passenger Data file, 1850-1897, Ship Johannes, departed from Hamburg, arrived in New York, New York, New York, United States, NAID identifier 1746067, National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Henrietta Henriette Sophia Caroline Kröning

F, #420, Deceased, b. 21 December 1825, d. 7 January 1911


Father*Christoph Kröning (b. 6 March 1806, d. 18 August 1886)
Mother*Maria Dorothea Willhelmine Goldbeck (b. 20 March 1800, d. after 1870)
Pedigree Link


Family: August Ferdinand Lawrenz (b. 23 August 1825, d. 10 December 1912)

Son*Carl Charles Friedrick Wilhelm Lawrenz (b. 22 January 1854, d. 5 September 1921)
Son*Heinrich Friedrich Hermann Lawrenz (b. 13 March 1858, d. 9 August 1927)
Daughter*Auguste Anna Maria Lawrenz (b. 28 January 1861, d. 21 August 1949)
Son*Friedrich Carl August Lawrenz (b. 11 October 1864, d. 26 March 1870)
Son*Herman Ferdinand Albert Lawrenz (b. 16 December 1866, d. 26 May 1945)
Son*Theodore August Carl Lawrenz (b. 29 January 1869, d. 10 January 1940)

Person Exhibits

H Lawrenz [in People]


Birth21 December 1825Henrietta Henriette Sophia Caroline Kröning was born on 21 December 1825 at Cochem-ZellG in Rhineland-Palatinate, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Source (lost) shows Sternin, Kreis Kolberg-Koerlin, Pommern, Prussia1,2,3,4,5,6
Marriage15 April 1853August Ferdinand Lawrenz and she were married on 15 April 1853 at Rotnowo (Gryfice)G in Szczecin, Lodzkie, Poland, EuropeG. Sources also show 1850 & 1895; location is recorded as Rottnow, Pommern, Preussen (interpreted as Rottnow, Pommern, Germany); actual place is loaded4,3
Death7 January 1911She died The cause of her death (at the age of 86) on Saturday, January 7th, 1911 is not known on 7 January 1911 at age 85 in Casco, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 7 January 1911She was buried after 7 January 1911 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Raritan, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States (North America)G.
NoteSophia Caroline Henriette [August's wife] was born to Christov and Maria (Goldbeck) Kroening at Sternin, Kolberg, Pommern. She married August Lawrenz in 1853 in Germany

August Ferdinand Lawrenz was born 23 Aug 1825 to Christian and Dorothea Lawrenz in Stoelitz, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern

August worked in Germany for the generous sum of eight dollars a year, plus room, board and clothes. In spite of this small amount of cash he earned, he put aside enough money to take his family on the long, hard journey to America and on to Kewaunee County

August and Henriette and 2-year old son, Carl, left from the port of Hamburg, Prussia to come to Quebec City, Canada on April 15, 1856 on the sailing ship, Elise. They boarded another ship on which the family traveled to Town Nine, north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an area now known as Mequon

August worked as a laborer here for about 8 years cutting railroad ties. In 1864 this family moved to Rio Creek where August had purchased a 40 acre farm through a government map in section 1 of Casco Town. He later purchased 40 acres north of the original plat

Henrietta and August were the parents of six children:
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Lawrenz (22 Jan 1854-5 Sep 1921)
Henirich Friedrich Hermann Lawrenz (13 Mar 1858-9 Aug 1927)
Auguste Anna Maria Lawrenz (28 Jan 1861-21 Oct 1949)
Friedrich Carl August Lawrenz (11 Oct 1864-26 Mar 1870)
Herman Ferdinand Albert Lawrenz (16 Dec 1866-26 May 1945)
Theodore August Carl Lawrenz (29 Jan 1869-10 Jan 1940)

Henrietta died at the age of 85 after a short illness at the home of her son Herman

Spouse: August Ferdinand Lawrenz (1825-1912)
Children: Carl Friedrick Wilhelm Lawrenz (1854-1921)*
Henry Lawrenz (1858-1927)*
Augusta Anna Maria Lawrenz Boettcher (1861-1949)*
Friedrich Carl August Lawrenz (1864-1870)*
Herman Lawrenz (1866-1945)*
Theodore Lawrenz (1869-1940)*
Burial: Saint Johns Lutheran Church Cemetery Rankin Kewaunee County Wisconsin, USA
August worked in Germany for the generous sum of eight dollars a year, plus room, board and clothes. In spite of this small amount of cash he earned, he put aside enough money to take his family on the long, hard journey to America and on to Kewaunee County

In 1856, August and Henrietta, who had married in Germany in 1950, came with their son, Carl-aged 2, to the Milwaukee area near Mequon. There he worked as a laborer for about 8 years. Heinrich (Henry) and Auguste (Anna) were born

In 1864 this family moved to Rio Creek where August had purchased a farm through a government map. This farm is located in the northwest corner of section 1 of the town of Casco. (In the 1880 US Census, it is identified as in the town of Pierce along with other farms of the area of Rio Creek.) August and Henrietta had three sons born to them on this farm: Frederick, who died at the age of 5; Herman, who later farmed this land; and Theodore. August deeded this farm to his son Herman, and his wife, Mathilda. August and Henrietta lived with Herman and Mathilda until their death. Later the farm was deeded to John Hocks.
Arrival1857Henrietta Henriette Sophia Caroline Kröning arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around in 1857 an actual Immigration event may not be present.
Residence1860She lived in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G, in 1860. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1880She lived in Pierce, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1880. Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife
Residence1900She lived at Casco townG in Casco, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1900. Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Mother
Residence1910She lived in Casco, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Last Edited 3 November 2024


  1. [S1797] and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, Year: 1880; Census Place: Pierce, Kewaunee, Wisconsin; Roll: 1431; Family History Film: 1255431; Page: 287B; Enumeration District: 056; Image:.
  2. [S874], 1910 United States Federal Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Casco, Kewaunee, Wisconsin; Roll:; Page:; Enumeration District:; Image:.
  3. [S835], Pomerania, Germany, Parish Register Transcripts, 1544-1883
  4. [S1802], 1900 United States Federal Census, Year: 1900; Census Place: Casco, Kewaunee, Wisconsin; Roll: T623_1794; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 55.
  5. [S940], 1860 United States Federal Census, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: South Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1064; Page: 723; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 805064
  6. [S134] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.,2012 Original data - Find A Grave
    accessed 1-Feb-2013

Nicola Raine

F, #421, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Charlotte Kröning

F, #422, Deceased, b. 28 August 1828, d. 20 July 1921


Father*Christoph Kröning (b. 6 March 1806, d. 18 August 1886)
Mother*Maria Dorothea Willhelmine Goldbeck (b. 20 March 1800, d. after 1870)
Pedigree Link


Family: Martin Pagel (b. 21 October 1817, d. 29 March 1899)

Daughter*Marie Augusta Ferdinandine Pagel+ (b. 13 August 1848, d. 1 January 1919)
Son*Herman A. M. Pagel+ (b. 15 June 1850, d. 5 April 1940)
Daughter*Mathilda Pagel+ (b. 9 December 1852, d. 30 January 1910)
Son*Augustia Pagel+ (b. 1855, d. 1892)
Son*Albert J. F. Pagel, Sandy’s GGF (in another branch)+ (b. 16 August 1857, d. 27 November 1948)
Son*Franz Pagel+ (b. 1 April 1860, d. 24 January 1916)
Daughter*Bertha Justina Pagel+ (b. 10 June 1863, d. 20 December 1947)
Daughter*Ida Pagel+ (b. 24 December 1865, d. 9 July 1934)
Son*Otto Pagel+ (b. 23 September 1866, d. 28 January 1936)
Daughter*Ellen Paulina Augusta Pagel+ (b. 17 May 1872, d. 12 December 1956)

Person Exhibits

Martin and Charlotte from The Martin Pagel Family book [in People]
Photo of a page in the Martin Pagel Family book that is in the possession of one (or more?) of his ancestors. Martin Pagel and his wife Charlotte


Birth28 August 1828Charlotte Kröning was born on 28 August 1828 at Cochem-ZellG in Rhineland-Palatinate, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Marriage1847Martin Pagel and she were married in 1847 at PommernG in Province of Pomerania, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Martin married Charlotte after his first wife (Margaret, her sister) died in 1846; they had a family of ten children, nine of whom were born in Germany
Marriageafter 1900(Husband) Andrew, of Charlotte, and she were married after 1900. Marriage presumed / date is a guess from the death of Martin, Charlotte's spouse; his name was found in her 1920 US Census
Death20 July 1921She died The cause of her death (at the old-age of 93) on Wednesday, July 20th, 1921 is not known on 20 July 1921 at age 92 in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 20 July 1921She was buried after 20 July 1921 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Charlotte Lottie Pagel

Maiden Name: Kroening

Birth Date: 28 Aug 1828

Death Date: 20 Jul 1921 / Place: Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States of America

Cemetery: Kunesh Cemetery Burial or Cremation / Place: Kunesh, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States of America

Has Bio?: N

NameCharlotte Kröning was also known as Lottie, Her Every-Day Name.
NameShe was also known as Kraning.9
NameShe was also known as Katrin or Kattin.
NameShe was also known as Ragle.10
NoteCharlotte's 10 children were birthed from 1848 (in Germany after her marriage to Martin) thru 17 May 1872, where Ellen Paulina Augusta was born in Suamico, Wisconsin. Charlotte was 44 and she survived this birthing.
RaceThe Charlotte Kröning's skin was White.
Originbefore 6 April 1866She left before 6 April 1866 in Gneis, Salzburg, Austria, EuropeG.
Departure6 April 1866She departed for the US from in Port of Bremenhaven, Bremen State, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG, on or around on 6 April 1866. Her 1st departure
Arrival4 June 1866She arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around on 4 June 1866 an actual Immigration event may not be present.
Departureabout April 1868She departed for the US from in Port of Bremenhaven, Bremen State, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG, on or around about April 1868. She had returned to her Prussian home (during her pregnancy) to bring her family to the US
Arrival11 May 1868She arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around on 11 May 1868 an actual Immigration event may not be present. Charlotte (recorded as age 42 upon arrival; she is shown in Don's tree as 39) crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the Port of Bremenhaven, Germany with her husband Martin and their 10 children; she was also carrying another child; details are NFIA

See the Arrival note in Martin for more details
Residence1880She lived in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1880. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1900She lived in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1900. Age: 71; Marital status: Widowed;; Relation to Head of House: Mother
Residence1 June 1905She lived in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, on 1 June 1905. Age: 77; MaritalStatus: Widowed; RelationToHead: Mother
Residence1910She lived in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Marital Status: Widowed; Relation to Head of House: Mother
Residence1920She lived in Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1920. Age: 92; Marital status: Widowed; Marital status: Widow;; Relation to Head of House: Mother
Civilbefore 20 July 1921She was at in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+, on or around before 20 July 1921 when the occurred.
Last Edited 13 November 2024


  1. [S75], New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.Original data - Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, R;), Year: 1866; Arrival: New York, USA; Microfilm serial: M237; Microfilm roll: M237_266; Line: 25; List number: 578.
  2. [S874], 1910 United States Federal Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Suamico, Brown, Wisconsin; Roll: T624_1701; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 0038; FHL microfilm: 1375714
  3. [S1802], 1900 United States Federal Census, Year: 1900; Census Place: Suamico, Brown, Wisconsin; Roll: 1779; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0034; FHL microfilm: 1241779
  4. [S1831], 1920 United States Federal Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Suamico, Brown, Wisconsin; Roll: T625_1978; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 50; Image:.
  5. [S833], Web: RootsWeb Cemetery Index, 1800-2010
  6. [S1797] and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, Year: 1880; Census Place: Suamico, Brown, Wisconsin; Roll: 1418; Family History Film: 1255418; Page: 324D; Enumeration District: 022; Image:.
  7. [S134] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.,2012 Original data - Find A Grave
    accessed 1-Feb-2013
  8. [S832], New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, Year: 1866; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Microfilm Roll: Roll 266; Line: 25; List Number: 578
  9. [S102] Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926
  10. [S1571], Wisconsin, State Censuses, 1855-1905, Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, Wisconsin; Census Year: 1905

Rose Marie Kozlowski

F, #423, Deceased, b. 22 January 1919, d. 18 May 1993


Father*Louis Kozlowski (b. 4 July 1884, d. 12 September 1969)
Mother*Veronica Stankuvutz (b. 15 May 1887, d. 4 February 1949)
Pedigree Link


Family: Elmer A. Schultz (b. 10 April 1918, d. 31 December 1996)

Son*Roger Schultz (b. 1946, d. 1946)


Birth22 January 1919Rose Marie Kozlowski was born on 22 January 1919 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.1
Death18 May 1993She died The cause of her death (at the age of 74) on Tuesday, May 18th, 1993 is not known on 18 May 1993 at age 74 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin (location not known; used birth place)
Burialafter 18 May 1993She was buried after 18 May 1993 at Buried in the Brookside CemeteryG in Pensaukee, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her burial location is from the source note in her husband
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1017], U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007

Thomas Warman, (or Just)

M, #424, Deceased, b. 1569, d. after 1592
Pedigree Link



Birth1569Thomas Warman, (or Just), was born in 1569 in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1592He died after 1592 in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 23) in the year of 1592 is not known-surviving in 1592 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceThomas Warman, (or Just), had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Jade Katelyn Bridgit Wasilieve

F, #425, Living
ReferencesMost Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 10 October 2022