Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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All Rights Reserved © by Donald J. Shave

Person Page 339

Carolyn Ann O'Shea

F, #8451, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Alicia Uxor Fure

F, #8452, Deceased, b. 1080, d. after 1105
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Johannes de Margareta (b. 1080, d. 1160)

Son*Simon de Kirketon+ (b. 1105, d. after 1130)


Birth1080Alicia Uxor Fure was born in 1080 in County of Lincolnshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1105She died after 1105 in County of Lincolnshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 25) in the year of 1105 is not known-surviving in 1105 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Person SourceAlicia Uxor Fure had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Thomas Botiler

M, #8453, Deceased, b. 1355, d. 21 September 1398


Father*William Botiler (b. 8 September 1298, d. 14 August 1369)
Mother*Joan Sudley (b. 1338, d. 1367)
Pedigree Link


Family: Alice Beauchamp (b. 1370, d. 8 February 1443)

Daughter*Elizabeth Botiler+ (b. 1386, d. 28 August 1462)
Daughter*Joan Botiler+ (b. 1395, d. 1489)


Birth1355Thomas Botiler was born in 1355 in Sudeley, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.1
Death21 September 1398He died on 21 September 1398 at age ~43 in Sudeley, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 43) on Friday, September 21st, 1398 is not known-surviving in 1398 was difficult

Died as the 4th Baron of Sudeley
NameThomas Botiler was also known as Boteler.
Person SourceHe had person sources.2
Titleafter 1355He held the title of 4th Baron of Sudeley after 1355.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
  2. [S214] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc. 2014
    Original data - GenealogieOnline Coret Genealogie
    accessed 4 September 2014

Anton Charles Ouradnik

M, #8454, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Martina Cornell

F, #8455, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Mercedes Cornell

F, #8456, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Gudrod Guthfrith HalfdansSon

M, #8457, Deceased, b. about 785, d. after 785
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 785Gudrod Guthfrith HalfdansSon was born about 785 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG.
Deathafter 785He died after 785 in Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG+. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 785AD is not known-surviving in 785 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Norway
NameGudrod Guthfrith HalfdansSon was also known as Godefrid Haithabu Halfdansdoittir EysteinsSon.
NameHe was also known as Gudrod the Proud.
Person SourceHe had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Randall Cornell

M, #8458, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 9 April 2024

Ivar Oplaendinge HalfdansSon, Don's 35th GGF

M, #8459, Deceased, b. about 783, d. 824
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Family: (Daughter) EysteinsDóttir, of Trondheim, (b. 780, d. 810)

Son*Eystein Glumra IvarsSon, Don's 34th GGF+ (b. 800, d. 872)
Son*Harald Haithabu IvarsSon (b. about 801, d. after 801)


Birthabout 783Ivar Oplaendinge HalfdansSon, Don's 35th GGF, was born about 783 at Maer, JutlandG, in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, EuropeG.1,2
Marriagebefore 810He and (Daughter) EysteinsDóttir, of Trondheim, were married before 810 at Uppland, NorwayG+, in Uppsala, Uppsala Län, Sweden, EuropeG.
Death824He died in 824 at age ~41 at Maer, UpplandG, in Norway, EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 41) in the year of 824AD is not known-surviving in 824 was difficult & it occurred in Norway
NameIvar Oplaendinge HalfdansSon, Don's 35th GGF, was also known as Ivar, Jarl of the Uplands.
Last Edited 15 May 2023


  1. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File
  2. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Eysteinn Westfold HalfdansSon, I; Don's 37th GGF {tagged} married to half-sister

M, #8460, Deceased, b. about 726, d. 780
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Family: Hildi EiriksDóttir, Don's 37th GGM (in another branch) {tagged} married to half-brother/young, (b. 730, d. 769)

Daughter*Geva EysteinnsDóttir, of Denmark (b. about 743, d. after 743)
Son*(Son) EysteinnsSon, of Millde (b. about 744, d. after 744)
Son*Helgi Bold EysteinnsSon (b. about 745, d. after 745)
Son*Halfdan EysteinnsSon, II; Don's 36th GGF {tagged} research data+ (b. 752, d. after 814)
Daughter*Geva EysteinnsDóttir (b. 755, d. 812)
Son*Ivar EysteinnsSon, Glumra (b. 762, d. 800)
Son*Alfarin EysteinnsSon, Alvheim (b. 769, d. 791)

Person Exhibits

COA Vestfold Norway [in Coats of Arms & Flags]


Birthabout 726Eysteinn Westfold HalfdansSon, I; Don's 37th GGF {tagged} married to half-sister, was born about 726 in Raumriki, Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG.1
Marriage735He and Hildi EiriksDóttir, Don's 37th GGM (in another branch) {tagged} married to half-brother/young, were married in 735 in Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG+.
Death780He died in 780 at age ~54 at Vestfold fylke, NorwayG, in Telemark, Norway, EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 54) in the year of 780AD was that he drowned while pillaging in Varna

King Skjöld of Varna, a great warlock, had arrived at the beach and saw the sails of Eystein's ships--he waved his cloak and blew into it, causing a boom of one ship to swing and hit Eystein so that he fell overboard and drowned

His body was salvaged and buried in a mound

Eystein was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Mild
NameEysteinn Westfold HalfdansSon, I; Don's 37th GGF {tagged} married to half-sister, was also known as Eystein FretFjert, (likely an alternate to "the Fart".)2
NameHe was also known as Eysteinn "the Fart."
NoteEystein Halfdansson (Old Norse: Eysteinn Hálfdansson) was the son of Halfdan Hvitbeinn of the House of Yngling according to Heimskringla

He inherited the throne of Romerike and Vestfold and was known by his nickname Eysteinn Fart, an Old Norse name, possibly meaning "the swift"

His wife was Hild, the daughter of the king of Vestfold, Erik Agnarsson. Erik had no son, so Eystein inherited Vestfold.
Last Edited 26 April 2024


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
  2. [S240], Norway, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012;), Find A Grave

Samuel Mulford

M, #8461, Deceased, b. 31 August 1644, d. 21 August 1725


Father*John Mulford (b. 1606, d. 13 November 1686)
Mother*Hannah Friedeswiede Osborn (b. 1607, d. 4 December 1683)
Pedigree Link


Birth31 August 1644Samuel Mulford was born on 31 August 1644 in Colonial Settlement of East Hampton, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G+.1
Death21 August 1725He died on 21 August 1725 at age 80 in Colonial Settlement of East Hampton, Colony of Connecticut, British Colonial America (North America)G+. The cause of his death (at the age of 81) on Tuesday, August 21st, 1725 is not known-surviving in 1725 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Colony of Connecticut
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S11], U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970
    (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA, SAR Membership Number: 82596

Francis Woodrow

M, #8462, Deceased, b. 1628, d. 1708
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*John Woodrow (b. 1600, d. 1675)
Mother*Mary (b. 1600, d. after 1632)
Pedigree Link


Birth1628Francis Woodrow was born in 1628 in Newton, Colonial County of Middlesex, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G.
Death1708He died in 1708 at age ~80 in Colonial County of Dorchester, Colony of Maryland, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of his death (at the age of 80) in the year of 1708 is not known-surviving in 1708 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Colony of Maryland
Person SourceFrancis Woodrow had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Felix Shave

M, #8463, Deceased, b. 1859, d. after 1859


Father*William John Shave (b. before May 1824, d. after 1866)
Mother*Stella Foster (b. 1829, d. after 1866)
Pedigree Link


Birth1859Felix Shave was born in 1859 in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+.
Deathafter 1859He died The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1859 is not known after 1859 in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+. His death is not known & it occurred in today's England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceFelix Shave had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Emma Jane Shave

F, #8464, Deceased, b. 1843, d. September 1923


Father*James H. Shave (b. December 1811, d. 22 February 1888)
Mother*Kezia Oxford (b. before 18 August 1811, d. 17 July 1888)
Pedigree Link


Family: Henry Dodge (b. March 1836, d. April 1903)

Daughter*Edith Jane Dodge (b. 1880, d. after 1911)
Son*William Henry Dodge (b. 1883, d. after 1911)
Son*John Dodge+ (b. 1885, d. June 1939)


Birth1843Emma Jane Shave was born in 1843 in Whatcombe, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.1,2
Marriage12 February 1874Henry Dodge and she were married on 12 February 1874 in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+.
DeathSeptember 1923She died The cause of her death (at the age of 80) in September, 1923 is not known in September 1923 at age ~80 in Weymouth, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG. Her death is not known & it occurred in today's England
Burialafter September 1923She was buried after September 1923 at Lechlade; buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Little Faringdon, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.
Residence1851Emma Jane Shave lived in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+, in 1851. Relation to Head of House: Granddaughter
Residence1911She lived in Little Faringdon, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG, in 1911. Resource event had no description; added
Last Edited 10 November 2023


  1. [S1055], 1851 England Census, Class: HO107; Piece: 1853; Folio: 130; Page: 29; GSU roll: 221000
  2. [S1755] Meadows Family Tree, Emma Shave

Florence Mary Shave

F, #8465, Deceased, b. December 1896, d. September 1976
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*John William Shave, Don's GGF (b. July 1865, d. 8 September 1916)
Mother*Emily Jane Holder, Don's GGM (in another branch) (b. 17 December 1866, d. 2 September 1951)
Pedigree Link


Family: William G. Chandler (b. about 1896, d. after 1922)

Son*Bill Chandler (b. about 1920, d. after 1920)
Daughter*Gwen Chandler (b. about 1921, d. after 1921)
Daughter*Ruth Chandler (b. about 1922, d. after 1922)

Person Exhibits

John's Family-snapped in 1899 (birth of Florence) [in People]
John Wm & Emily (shown by the authors note as her sister's name, Annie/NFIA) and their children left-to-right:

Harold, Wilfred, Allan, John Reginald (RIP/NFIA) & baby Florence

Note: Donald Sebastian wasn't born until 1901


BirthDecember 1896Florence Mary Shave was born in December 1896 at StrattonG+ in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.1,2
MarriageDecember 1920William G. Chandler and she were married in December 1920 in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.3
DeathSeptember 1976She died The cause of her death (at the age of 80) in September, 1976 is not known in September 1976 at age 79 in Colchester, County of Essex, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG. Her death is not known & it occurred in today's England4,5
NameFlorence Mary Shave was also known as Florance.6
Person SourceShe had person sources.7
Baptism11 December 1896She was baptized on 11 December 1896 in Stratton, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG.
Residence1901She lived in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG, in 1901. Age: 4; Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Residence2 April 1911She lived at and StrattonG in Baunton, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG, on 2 April 1911. Age: 14; Marital status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Occupationbefore 1976Before 1976 Florence Mary Shave was a Teacher.
Last Edited 15 May 2023


  1. [S840], 1901 England Census, Class: RG13; Piece: 2449; Folio: 49; Page: 2.
  2. [S1434], 1911 England Census, Class: RG14; Piece: 15443; Schedule Number: 195
  3. [S398] Tweaked by DJS,, England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 (Name: Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;)
  4. [S588], England & Wales, Death Index, 1916-2015
  5. [S1800] FreeBMD, England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-2007
  6. [S1188], Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-1913, Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England; Reference Numbers: P319 IN 1/16
  7. [S238] Gloucestershire, England, Baptisms,1813-1913
    Name: Operations, Inc.
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2014, Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England; Reference Numbers: P319 IN 1/16

Ethelred Shave

M, #8466, Deceased, b. 1838, d. after 1866


Father*William Richard Shave (b. 15 November 1807, d. 11 September 1844)
Mother*Jane Holloway (b. July 1809, d. 31 October 1895)
Pedigree Link


Birth1838Ethelred Shave was born in 1838 in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+.
Marriage1866He and Jane were married in 1866.
Deathafter 1866He died The cause of his death (at the age of 28) in the year of 1866 is not known after 1866 in Winterborne Whitchurch, County of Dorset, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+. His death is not known & it occurred in today's England (location not known; used birth place)
Note1851-1891 Winterbourne Whitechurch Census 1861 (ref RG9/1332, dist270/1 Milton Abbas) shows Ethelred as a Tailor.
Person SourceEthelred Shave had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Richard Ludlow

M, #8467, Deceased, b. 1420, d. 23 December 1498
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*William Ludlow, of Hodnet (b. about 1392, d. 22 December 1478)
Mother*Joanna Vernon (b. 1395, d. 1432)
Pedigree Link


Birth1420Richard Ludlow was born in 1420.1
Death23 December 1498He died on 23 December 1498 at age ~78 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 78) on Friday, December 23rd, 1498 is not known-surviving in 1498 was difficult

Died as a Lord
Titleafter 1420Richard Ludlow held the title of Lord after 1420.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S214] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc. 2014
    Original data - GenealogieOnline Coret Genealogie
    accessed 4 September 2014

Michael Tofield-Hibbs

M, #8468, Deceased, b. about 1939, d. August 2007
ReferencesMost Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*John Tofield-Hibbs (b. October 1905, d. August 2006)
Mother*(Mother), of Michael-by John (b. about 1905, d. after 1939)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1939Michael Tofield-Hibbs was born about 1939 in County of Devon, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+.
DeathAugust 2007He died The cause of his death (at the age of 68) in August, 2007 is not known in August 2007 at age ~68 in County of Devon, England (United Kingdom), EuropeG+. His death is not known & it occurred in today's England (location not known; used birth place)
NoteCharmaine's husband was a taxi driver.
Person SourceMichael Tofield-Hibbs had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Elizabeth Woodrow

F, #8469, Deceased, b. 1664, d. 1739
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*John Woodrow (b. 1632, d. 1708)
Mother*Ann Hyton (b. 1637, d. after 1668)
Pedigree Link


Birth1664Elizabeth Woodrow was born in 1664 in Buckland Newton, County of Dorset, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Death1739She died in 1739 at age ~75 in Buckland Newton, County of Dorset, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 75) in the year of 1739 is not known-surviving in 1739 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceElizabeth Woodrow had person sources.1
Last Edited 16 January 2025


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Ruth Andrews

F, #8470, Deceased, b. 27 May 1664, d. 1 February 1744


Father*Robert Thomas Andrews (b. 14 November 1609, d. 29 May 1668)
Mother*Elizabeth Grace Millborne (b. April 1613, d. 25 December 1700)
Pedigree Link


Birth27 May 1664Ruth Andrews was born on 27 May 1664 in Rowley, Colonial County of Essex, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G.
Death1 February 1744She died on 1 February 1744 at age 79 at LancasterG+ in Colonial County of Worcester, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G+. The cause of her death (at the age of 80) on Saturday, February 1st, 1744 is not known-surviving in 1744 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceRuth Andrews had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Robert Andrews

M, #8471, Deceased, b. 1651, d. 19 December 1675


Father*Robert Thomas Andrews (b. 14 November 1609, d. 29 May 1668)
Mother*Elizabeth Grace Millborne (b. April 1613, d. 25 December 1700)
Pedigree Link


Birth1651Robert Andrews was born in 1651 in Boxford, Berkshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Death19 December 1675He died on 19 December 1675 at age ~24 in Boxford, Berkshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 24) on Thursday, December 19th, 1675 is not known-surviving in 1675 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceRobert Andrews had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Elizabeth Andrews

F, #8472, Deceased, b. 1643, d. 17 March 1725


Father*Robert Thomas Andrews (b. 14 November 1609, d. 29 May 1668)
Mother*Elizabeth Grace Millborne (b. April 1613, d. 25 December 1700)
Pedigree Link


Birth1643Elizabeth Andrews was born in 1643 in Boxford, Colonial County of Essex, The Colony of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G.
Death17 March 1725She died on 17 March 1725 at age ~82 in Boxford, Colonial County of Middlesex, The Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (at the age of 82) on Saturday, March 17th, 1725 is not known-surviving in 1725 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Massachusetts Bay
Person SourceElizabeth Andrews had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Robert Sherman

M, #8473, Deceased, b. 1525, d. after 1525
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Thomas Sherman (b. 1490, d. 16 November 1551)
Mother*Jane Waller (b. 1497, d. 11 March 1572)
Pedigree Link


Birth1525Robert Sherman was born in 1525 in Yaxley, Suffolk County, England (Tudor), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1525He died after 1525 in Yaxley, Suffolk County, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1525 is not known-surviving in 1525 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceRobert Sherman had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Emma L. Lahner, Sandy’s GGM

F, #8474, Deceased, b. 15 September 1881, d. 4 May 1958
ReferencesMost Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Family: Louis Henry Destival, Sandy’s GGF, (b. 11 April 1872, d. 5 April 1948)

Son*Victor Llewellyn Destival+ (b. 28 February 1897, d. 15 September 1938)
Son*Doris Emanuel Destival (b. 14 December 1898, d. 6 May 1974)
Son*Louis Delmont Destival+ (b. 9 January 1901, d. 12 March 1965)
Daughter*Lucy Destival (b. about 1904, d. 6 December 1904)
Daughter*Effie Fern Destival, Sandy’s Grandmother+ (b. 26 November 1905, d. 15 November 1995)
Daughter*Vyvienne Agnes Destival+ (b. 2 November 1909, d. 12 August 2001)
Daughter*Ruth G. Destival (b. 29 November 1911, d. 6 December 1911)


Birth15 September 1881Emma L. Lahner, Sandy’s GGM, was born on 15 September 1881 in County of Kankakee, Illinois, United States (North America)G.1
Marriage3 September 1895Louis Henry Destival, Sandy’s GGF, and she were married on 3 September 1895 in New Hampton, Chickasaw County, Iowa, United States (North America)G. Source (FamilySearch) shares this date; source (Iowa) has incorrect date "19 Mar 1921" / birth of children2,3
Death4 May 1958She died The cause of her death (at the age of 77) on Sunday, May 4th, 1958 is not known on 4 May 1958 at age 76 at Hendren Nursing HomeG in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Iowa
Burial6 May 1958She was buried on 6 May 1958 at Buried in the Fontana Cemetery, Hazleton TownshipG, in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G.4
Person SourceEmma L. Lahner, Sandy’s GGM, had person sources.5,6
Residence1900She lived in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G, in 1900. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1905She lived in County of Buchanan, Iowa, United States (North America)G, in 1905. Marital Status: Married
Residence1910She lived in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Source also shows Clermont, OH7
Residence1920She lived in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G, in 1920. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA8
Residence1 January 1925She lived in Hazleton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G, on 1 January 1925. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1930She lived in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G, in 1930. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA9
Residence1 April 1940She lived in Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa, United States (North America)G, on 1 April 1940. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA10
Last Edited 26 June 2023


  1. [S1802], 1900 United States Federal Census, Year: 1900; Census Place: Hazleton, Buchanan, Iowa; Roll: T623_420; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 43.
  2. [S209], Iowa, Select Marriages, 1809-1992 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2014.Original data - Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.Original data: Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.;)
  3. [S254], Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1937 (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;), Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 490 (Adair - Chickasaw)
  4. [S49] Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.,2012
    Original data - Find A Grave
    accessed 8-Dec-2011 (& later)
  5. [S793], Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836-1925
  6. [S251], Iowa State Census, 1905 (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;)
  7. [S89] National Archives and Records Administration, Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.Original data - National Archives and Records Administration. Ohio Miracode. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. T1272, 418 rolls.Original data: National Arc;)
  8. [S1831], 1920 United States Federal Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Hazleton, Buchanan, Iowa; Roll: T625_479; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 64; Image:.
  9. [S1804], 1930 United States Federal Census, Year: 1930; Census Place: Hazleton, Buchanan, Iowa; Roll:; Page:; Enumeration District:; Image:.
  10. [S1025], 1940 United States Federal Census, Year: 1940; Census Place: Hazleton, Buchanan, Iowa; Roll: T627_1142; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 10-11.

Ferdinand, II

M, #8475, Deceased, b. 10 March 1452, d. 23 January 1516
Pedigree Link


Family: Isabella, I, (b. 22 April 1451, d. 26 November 1504)

Daughter*Isabella, of Asturië (b. 2 October 1470, d. 23 August 1497)
Son*Johan, of Aragón (b. 28 June 1478, d. 4 October 1497)
Daughter*Johanna van Castilië (b. 6 November 1479, d. 12 April 1555)
Daughter*Maria, of Aragón (b. 29 June 1482, d. 7 March 1517)
Daughter*Catherine, of Aragón+ (b. 15 December 1485, d. 7 January 1536)

Person Exhibits

Ferdinand II [in Ancient People & Artifacts]


Birth10 March 1452Ferdinand, II, was born on 10 March 1452 at Sos del Rey CatólicoG in Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain, EuropeG.1
Marriage1469He and Isabella, I, were married in 1469 in Aragón, Spain, EuropeG. Ferdinand II was King of Sicily from 1468 and King of Aragon from 1479 until his death

As a consequence of his marriage to Isabella I, he was King of Castile jure uxoris as Ferdinand V from 1474 until her death in 1504

He was recognized as regent of Castile for his daughter and heir, Joanna, from 1508 until his own death

In 1504, after a war with France, he became King of Naples as Ferdinand III, reuniting Naples with Sicily permanently and for the first time since 1458. In 1512, he became King of Navarre by conquest

Ferdinand is today best known for his role in inaugurating the discovery of the New World, since he and Isabella sponsored the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492

That year he also fought the final war with Granada which expunged the last Islamic state on Iberian soil, thus bringing to a close the centuries-long Reconquista. At his death he was succeeded by Joanna, who co-ruled with her son, Charles V, over all the Iberian kingdoms save Portugal.
Marriage1505He and Germaine, of Foix, were married in 1505 in Aragón, Spain, EuropeG.
Death23 January 1516He died on 23 January 1516 at age 63 at MadrigalejoG in Caceres, Extremadura, Spain, EuropeG. The cause of the King of Sicily and of Aragón's death (at the age of 64) on Sunday, January 23rd, 1516 is not known-surviving in 1516 was difficult

At his death he was succeeded by Joanna, who co-ruled with her son, Charles V, over all the Iberian kingdoms save Portugal

As a consequence of his marriage to Isabella, he was King of Castile jure uxoris as Ferdinand V from 1474 until her death in 1504. He was recognized as regent of Castile for his daughter and heir, Joanna, from 1508 until his own death

In 1504, after a war with France, he became King of Naples as Ferdinand III, reuniting Naples with Sicily permanently and for the first time since 1458

In 1512, he became King of Navarre by conquest. Ferdinand is today best known for his role in inaugurating the discovery of the New World, since he and Isabella sponsored the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492

That year he also fought the final war with Granada which expunged the last Islamic state on Iberian soil, thus bringing to a close the centuries-long Reconquista
Titlebetween 10 March 1452 and 23 January 1516Ferdinand, II, held the title of King of Sicily; King of Aragón (1452 - 1516) between 10 March 1452 and 23 January 1516 in Aragón, Spain, EuropeG.
Last Edited 23 August 2024


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015