Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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Person Page 356

Geva EysteinnsDóttir, of Denmark

F, #8876, Deceased, b. about 743, d. after 743
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 743Geva EysteinnsDóttir, of Denmark, was born about 743 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG.1
Deathafter 743She died after 743 in France (MiddleAges), EuropeG. The cause of her death in the Middle-ages of France (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 743AD is not known-surviving in 743 as an infant was difficult
Last Edited 9 May 2024


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Helgi Bold EysteinnsSon

M, #8877, Deceased, b. about 745, d. after 745
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 745Helgi Bold EysteinnsSon was born about 745 in Ringerike, Akershus, Norway, EuropeG.1
Deathafter 745He died after 745 in Buskerud, Norway, EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 745AD is not known-surviving in 745 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Norway
Last Edited 2 July 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

(Son) EysteinnsSon, of Millde

M, #8878, Deceased, b. about 744, d. after 744
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 744(Son) EysteinnsSon, of Millde, was born about 744 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG.1
Deathafter 744He died after 744 in Borre, Vestfold, Norway, EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 744AD is not known-surviving in 744 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Norway
Last Edited 2 July 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Margaret, of Avranches

F, #8879, Deceased, b. 1054, d. 1136
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Richard, of Avranches (b. 13 October 1025, d. 14 October 1066)
Mother*Emma, of Conteville (b. 30 April 1029, d. 14 October 1066)
Pedigree Link


Family: Ranulf, of Meschines in Briquessart, (b. 1050, d. 1089)

Son*Ranulph, I (of Meschines)+ (b. about 1070, d. January 1128)
Son*Robert, of Meschines / de Rumilly (b. 1072, d. 1096)


Birth1054Margaret, of Avranches, was born in 1054 at CaenG, in Calvados, Basse-Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG.1
Death1136She died in 1136 at age ~82 in Chester, Cheshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 82) in the year of 1136 is not known-surviving in 1136 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Burialafter 1136She was buried after 1136 at Buried in an unknown cemetery in the Cheshire West and Chester Unitary AuthorityG in Chester, Cheshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S230] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2012

Ranulf, of Meschines in Briquessart

M, #8880, Deceased, b. 1050, d. 1089
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Margaret, of Avranches, (b. 1054, d. 1136)

Son*Ranulph, I (of Meschines)+ (b. about 1070, d. January 1128)
Son*Robert, of Meschines / de Rumilly (b. 1072, d. 1096)


Birth1050Ranulf, of Meschines in Briquessart, was born in 1050 at CaenG, in Calvados, Basse-Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG.1
Death1089He died in 1089 at age ~39 in Chester, Cheshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 39) in the year of 1089 is not known-surviving in 1089 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Burialafter 1089He was buried after 1089 at Buried in an unknown cemetery in the Cheshire West and Chester Unitary AuthorityG in Chester, Cheshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S230] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2012

Ragnhild Hilda HrolfsDóttir

F, #8881, Deceased, b. about 833, d. 854
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Hrolf Nefja (b. about 813, d. after 833)
Mother*(Mother), of Hilda-by Hrolf (b. about 813, d. after 833)
Pedigree Link


Family: Rögnvald EysteinsSon, I; Don's 33rd GGF, (b. 830, d. 892)

Son*Rollo Hrólfr RögnvaldsSon, I; Don's 32nd GGF+ (b. 14 October 846, d. 16 December 932)


Birthabout 833Ragnhild Hilda HrolfsDóttir was born about 833 at Nystu BergsetG in Ovre Rendal, Hedmark, Norway, EuropeG.1,2
Marriageabout 845Rögnvald EysteinsSon, I; Don's 33rd GGF, and she were married about 845 at Francia (in Spanish)G in France (Medieval), EuropeG+. Ragnhild Hilda was 12 when married to Ragnvald; not unusual for the 800's
Death854She died in 854 at age ~21 at Maer, JutlandG, in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 21) in the year of 854AD is not known-surviving in 854 was difficult

Died as the Jarlessa of Maer
Titlebefore 854Ragnhild Hilda HrolfsDóttir held the title of Jarlessa of Maer before 854.
Last Edited 28 June 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
  2. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File

Rögnvald EysteinsSon, I; Don's 33rd GGF

M, #8882, Deceased, b. 830, d. 892
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Family: Ragnhild Hilda HrolfsDóttir (b. about 833, d. 854)

Son*Rollo Hrólfr RögnvaldsSon, I; Don's 32nd GGF+ (b. 14 October 846, d. 16 December 932)

Person Exhibits

Rognvald Eysteinsson I; The Wise; Earl of More and Romsdal [in Ancient People & Artifacts]


Birth830Rögnvald EysteinsSon, I; Don's 33rd GGF, was born in 830 at Maer, JutlandG, in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, EuropeG.1,2
Marriageabout 845He and Ragnhild Hilda HrolfsDóttir were married about 845 at Francia (in Spanish)G in France (Medieval), EuropeG+. Ragnhild Hilda was 12 when married to Ragnvald; not unusual for the 800's
Death892He died in 892 at age ~62 in Orkney Islands, County of Orkney, Scotland (MiddleAges part of Anglo-Saxon Britain), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 62) in the year of 892AD is not known-surviving in 892 was difficult

Died as the Jarl "the Wise" of Maer
NameRögnvald EysteinsSon, I; Don's 33rd GGF, was also known as Ragnvald.
NameHe was also known as Rognval, I.
NameHe was also known as Rognval the Wise.
Titleafter 830He held the title of Jarl of Maer, the Wise after 830.
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
  2. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File

Mathilde FitzRobert, of Gloucester

F, #8883, Deceased, b. about 1110, d. 29 July 1189
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1110Mathilde FitzRobert, of Gloucester, was born about 1110.1
Death29 July 1189She died on 29 July 1189 at age ~79 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the age of 79) on Saturday, July 29th, 1189 is not known-surviving in 1189 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM

F, #8884, Deceased, b. 1077, d. 1157
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert Corbet, Beaumont (b. 1042, d. 5 June 1118)
Mother*Ida Dechiny (b. about 1064, d. 22 November 1117)
Pedigree Link


Family: Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF, (b. 21 September 1068, d. 11 December 1135)

Son*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF+ (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Daughter*Sibylla Elizabeth FitzHenry (b. 1091, d. 12 July 1122)
Daughter*Maude FitzHenry (b. 1091, d. 1151)
Son*William FitzHenry (b. 1105, d. 1187)
Son*Reginald FitzHenry, of Dunstanville (b. 1110, d. 1 July 1175)
Daughter*Gundred FitzHenry (b. about 1114, d. 1146)

Person Exhibits

Sibyl Corbet [in Ancient People & Artifacts]


Birth1077Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM, was born in 1077 in Alcester, Warwickshire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.1,2
Marriage1090Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF, and she were married in 1090 at No. RingkobingG in Denmark, EuropeG.
Death1157She died in 1157 at age ~80 at BlaenG in Llyfni, Breconshire, Wales (MiddleAges part of Anglo-Saxon Britain), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 80) in the year of 1157 is not known-surviving in 1157 was difficult

Died as the Lady of Alcester, a Mistress
NameSybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM, was also known as Sybilla, the 5th Concubine of Henry I of England.
Titleafter 1077She held the title of Lady of Alcester; Mistress after 1077 in England (Medieval), EuropeG+.
Last Edited 15 May 2023


  1. [S230] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2012
  2. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Mabel FitzRobert, {Tagged} Possible Spouse

F, #8885, Deceased, b. about 1111, d. after 1111
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1111Mabel FitzRobert, {Tagged} Possible Spouse, was born about 1111.
Deathafter 1111She died after 1111 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1111 is not known-surviving in 1111 as an infant was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
NameMabel FitzRobert, {Tagged} Possible Spouse, was also known as Soligny, Name Found In A Search.
Person SourceShe had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Emma de Mortain

F, #8886, Deceased, b. 1058, d. October 1080
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Robert de Mortaigne (b. 1031, d. 8 December 1095)
Mother*Matilda de Montgomery (b. about 1041, d. 1082)
Pedigree Link


Family: Guillermo de Tolosa, IV, (b. 1040, d. 1094)

Daughter*Phillipa Mathilde+ (b. 22 October 1073, d. 28 November 1118)


Birth1058Emma de Mortain was born in 1058 in Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France (Medieval), EuropeG.1
Marriageabout 1071Guillermo de Tolosa, IV, and she were married about 1071 in Mortaigne, Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG.
DeathOctober 1080She died in October 1080 at age ~22 in Huesca, Aragón, Spain, EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 22) in October, 1080 is not known-surviving in 1080 was difficult

Died as the Condesa de Consorte de Toulouse
Titleafter 1058Emma de Mortain held the title of Condesa de Consorte de Toulouse; Countess after 1058.
Last Edited 20 April 2024


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Robert FitzRobert

M, #8887, Deceased, b. about 1112, d. after 1112
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1112Robert FitzRobert was born about 1112.
Deathafter 1112He died after 1112 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1112 is not known-surviving in 1112 as an infant was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person SourceRobert FitzRobert had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Robert FitzHammon

M, #8888, Deceased, b. 1055, d. 10 March 1107
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Matilda de Montgomery (b. about 1055, d. 1107)

Daughter*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch)+ (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)


Birth1055Robert FitzHammon was born in 1055 at Cruelly (Friesland)G in The Netherlands, EuropeG+.1
Death10 March 1107He died on 10 March 1107 at age ~52 in The Netherlands, EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 52) on Sunday, March 10th, 1107 is not known-surviving in 1107 was difficult & it occurred in The Netherlands (location not known; used birth place)
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Matilda de Montgomery

F, #8889, Deceased, b. about 1055, d. 1107
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Robert FitzHammon (b. 1055, d. 10 March 1107)

Daughter*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch)+ (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)


Birthabout 1055Matilda de Montgomery was born about 1055 at in FrieslandG in Mortaigne, The Netherlands, EuropeG.1
Death1107She died in 1107 at age ~52 at Abbey of GrestainG in Eure, Haute-Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 52) in the year of 1107 is not known-surviving in 1107 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval France
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Hamon FitzRobert

M, #8890, Deceased, b. about 1113, d. about 1158
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1113Hamon FitzRobert was born about 1113.
Deathabout 1158He died about 1158 at age ~45 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 45) in the year of 1158 is not known-surviving in 1158 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent1
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Philip FitzRobert

M, #8891, Deceased, b. about 1114, d. after 1114
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1114Philip FitzRobert was born about 1114 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.1
Deathafter 1114He died after 1114 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1114 is not known-surviving in 1114 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England (location not known; used birth place)
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Roger FitzRobert

M, #8892, Deceased, b. about 1115, d. 1179
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1115Roger FitzRobert was born about 1115.
Death1179He died in 1179 at age ~64 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 64) in the year of 1179 is not known-surviving in 1179 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent1
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Richard FitzRobert

M, #8893, Deceased, b. about 1116, d. 1142
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)
Mother*Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch) (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1116Richard FitzRobert was born about 1116.
Death1142He died in 1142 at age ~26 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 26) in the year of 1142 is not known-surviving in 1142 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent1
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch)

F, #8894, Deceased, b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Robert FitzHammon (b. 1055, d. 10 March 1107)
Mother*Matilda de Montgomery (b. about 1055, d. 1107)
Pedigree Link


Family: Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF, (b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147)

Daughter*Mathilde FitzRobert, of Gloucester (b. about 1110, d. 29 July 1189)
Daughter*Mabel FitzRobert, {Tagged} Possible Spouse (b. about 1111, d. after 1111)
Son*Robert FitzRobert (b. about 1112, d. after 1112)
Son*Hamon FitzRobert (b. about 1113, d. about 1158)
Son*Philip FitzRobert (b. about 1114, d. after 1114)
Son*Roger FitzRobert (b. about 1115, d. 1179)
Son*Richard FitzRobert (b. about 1116, d. 1142)
Son*William FitzRobert+ (b. 23 November 1116, d. 23 November 1183)
Daughter*Mabira FitzRobert, of Caen, Don's 25th GGM+ (b. about 1120, d. 29 July 1189)


Birth1090Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch), was born in 1090 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.1,2,3
Marriage1109Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF, and she were married in 1109.1
Death29 September 1157She died on 29 September 1157 at age ~67 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 67) on Sunday, September 29th, 1157 is not known-surviving in 1157 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Burialafter 29 September 1157She was buried after 29 September 1157 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File
  2. [S230] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2012
  3. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF

M, #8895, Deceased, b. 11 April 1090, d. 31 October 1147
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF (b. 21 September 1068, d. 11 December 1135)
Mother*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM (b. 1077, d. 1157)
Pedigree Link


Family: Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch), (b. 1090, d. 29 September 1157)

Daughter*Mathilde FitzRobert, of Gloucester (b. about 1110, d. 29 July 1189)
Daughter*Mabel FitzRobert, {Tagged} Possible Spouse (b. about 1111, d. after 1111)
Son*Robert FitzRobert (b. about 1112, d. after 1112)
Son*Hamon FitzRobert (b. about 1113, d. about 1158)
Son*Philip FitzRobert (b. about 1114, d. after 1114)
Son*Roger FitzRobert (b. about 1115, d. 1179)
Son*Richard FitzRobert (b. about 1116, d. 1142)
Son*William FitzRobert+ (b. 23 November 1116, d. 23 November 1183)
Daughter*Mabira FitzRobert, of Caen, Don's 25th GGM+ (b. about 1120, d. 29 July 1189)


Birth11 April 1090Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF, was born on 11 April 1090 at CaenG, in Calvados, Basse-Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG.1,2
Marriage1109He and Mabel FitzRobert, Don's 26th GGM (in another branch), were married in 1109.2
Death31 October 1147He died on 31 October 1147 at age 57 at GloucestershireG in Bristol, Bristol County, England (Medieval), EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 57) on Friday, October 31st, 1147 is not known-surviving in 1147 was difficult

Died as the Earl of Gloucester3
Burialafter October 1147He was buried after October 1147 at Buried in an unknown cemetery in GloucestershireG in Bristol, Bristol County, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.
Titlebefore October 1147Robert FitzHenry, Don's 26th GGF, held the title of Earl of Gloucester before October 1147 at GloucestershireG in Bristol, Bristol County, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.
Last Edited 15 May 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
  2. [S836] Heritage Consulting, Millennium File
  3. [S230] Operations, Inc
    Location: Provo, UT, USA
    Date: 2012

Robert Corbet, Beaumont

M, #8896, Deceased, b. 1042, d. 5 June 1118
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Father*Hugh Corbet (b. 1020, d. 1081)
Mother*Isabelle (b. 1024, d. after 1042)
Pedigree Link


Family: Ida Dechiny (b. about 1064, d. 22 November 1117)

Daughter*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM+ (b. 1077, d. 1157)


Birth1042Robert Corbet, Beaumont, was born in 1042 at Pays DaugeG in Normandië, France (Medieval), EuropeG.
Death5 June 1118He died on 5 June 1118 at age ~76 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 76) on Wednesday, June 5th, 1118 is not known-surviving in 1118 was difficult

Died as the Earl of Leichester and of Cornwall and as Count of Mortain
Person SourceRobert Corbet, Beaumont, had person sources.1
Titleafter 1042He held the title of Earl of Leichester after 1042.
Titleafter 1042He held the title of Count of Mortain, Earl of Cornwall after 1042.
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Ida Dechiny

F, #8897, Deceased, b. about 1064, d. 22 November 1117
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link


Family: Robert Corbet, Beaumont, (b. 1042, d. 5 June 1118)

Daughter*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM+ (b. 1077, d. 1157)


Birthabout 1064Ida Dechiny was born about 1064 in Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France (Medieval), EuropeG.
Death22 November 1117She died on 22 November 1117 at age ~53 in Belgium, EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 53) on Thursday, November 22nd, 1117 is not known-surviving in 1117 was difficult

Died as Duchess deNamur
Person SourceIda Dechiny had person sources.1
Titleafter 1064She held the title of Duchess deNamur after 1064.
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Sibylla Elizabeth FitzHenry

F, #8898, Deceased, b. 1091, d. 12 July 1122
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF (b. 21 September 1068, d. 11 December 1135)
Mother*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM (b. 1077, d. 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birth1091Sibylla Elizabeth FitzHenry was born in 1091 at Palace of Westminster in the City of WestminsterG in Region of Greater London, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.
Death12 July 1122She died on 12 July 1122 at age ~31 at Island of Eilean nam Ban, Loch TayG, in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland (MiddleAges part of Anglo-Saxon Britain), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 31) on Wednesday, July 12th, 1122 is not known-surviving in 1122 was difficult & it occurred in the Middle-ages of Scotland Eilean's name Annoamh means the 'Isle of the Female Saints'
Person SourceSibylla Elizabeth FitzHenry had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Reginald FitzHenry, of Dunstanville

M, #8899, Deceased, b. 1110, d. 1 July 1175
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF (b. 21 September 1068, d. 11 December 1135)
Mother*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM (b. 1077, d. 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birth1110Reginald FitzHenry, of Dunstanville, was born in 1110 in Dunstanville, County of Kent, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Death1 July 1175He died on 1 July 1175 at age ~65 in Chertsey, Surrey County, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 65) on Tuesday, July 1st, 1175 is not known-surviving in 1175 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Person SourceReginald FitzHenry, of Dunstanville, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Maude FitzHenry

F, #8900, Deceased, b. 1091, d. 1151
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Father*Henry Beauclerc, I of Normandië, Don's 27th GGF (b. 21 September 1068, d. 11 December 1135)
Mother*Sybilla Sibilla Corbet, Don's 27th GGM (b. 1077, d. 1157)
Pedigree Link


Birth1091Maude FitzHenry was born in 1091 at BretagneG, in Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France (Medieval), EuropeG.
Death1151She died in 1151 at age ~60 at BretagneG, in Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 60) in the year of 1151 is not known-surviving in 1151 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval France
Person SourceMaude FitzHenry had person sources.1
Religious Affiliationbefore 1151She was affiliated with Abbess before 1151.
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"