
As the creator & author of this website with a fair amount of history, I’m a gracefully aging cultured English gentleman (of actual regal ancestry) & as a 1st-generation immigrant to the United States of America, I get to be a pretty happy old lad!!

Living today near Roswell in Georgia, a delightful southern state of America, I consistently feel blessed to be with my spouse, a simply marvelous lady whose personality, aura and happiness *glow*…her children & their spouses bring youngsters to me as…

Happy  “Grampy  Don” !! click for a FaceBook snap

Of course, there are many, many more details in & around my personal history…

The eRooms that I’ve created here share several perspectives: my Entry-way room to the eHouse, a room that describes aspects of Culture, a Library room, a room that shares some of my Computational data and others that are on the “An Online House” menu (both above & below)… also, do take a visit to my dynamic Online Family Tree as you need?

My Creative Logic Software, LLC business became idle a few years ago as I retired; a number of online Elements do continue to exist, although they’re really only historical!!

Some older websites share my personal Bio & Survivor pages, my Professional work history page, a collection of some of my older Photos as well as my original Home-page, which brings other threads into view

To close out my Info page, you could view my eDiary thoughts (updated every 2-3 months) or spend some time at the FAQs page, which brings you some background about me & this website… you may also share any feedback you might have by clicking “Contact” or by selecting “Contact” on the menu, above or below?

As a final relevant advisory, Legal Issues do surround such things as my published advice & opinions, and my Privacy Policy page has therefore become a mandatory addition…please review? Thanks!