Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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All Rights Reserved © by Donald J. Shave

Person Page 509

John Kerrich

M, #12701, Deceased, b. 1445, d. after 1445


Father*William Kerrich, I. (b. about 1418, d. 1470)
Mother*Elizabeth Drake (b. 1422, d. 1453)
Pedigree Link


Birth1445John Kerrich was born in 1445 in Saxtead, Suffolk County, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1445He died after 1445 in Saxtead, Suffolk County, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1445 is not known-surviving in 1445 as an infant was difficult

Died as a Sir
Person SourceJohn Kerrich had person sources.1
Titleafter 1445He held the title of Sir after 1445.
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

John Kerrich, III

M, #12702, Deceased, b. 1398, d. 1470


Father*John Kerrich, II (b. 1378, d. 1427)
Mother*(Mother), of John III-by John II (b. about 1380, d. after 1398)
Pedigree Link


Family 1: (Mother), of William-by John, (b. 1399, d. 1419)

Son*William Kerrich, I.+ (b. about 1418, d. 1470)

Family 2: (Mother), of Robert-by John, (b. about 1409, d. after 1422)

Son*Robert Kerrich (b. 1422, d. after 1422)

Person Exhibits

A family crest [in Coats of Arms & Flags]
The COA is tagged to the people that are in Don's tree branch


Birth1398John Kerrich, III, was born in 1398 in Saxtead, Suffolk County, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Marriage1415He and (Mother), of William-by John, were married in 1415 in County of Suffolk, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.1
Marriageabout 1422He and (Mother), of Robert-by John, were married about 1422.
Death1470He died in 1470 at age ~72 in Saxtead, Suffolk County, England (Medieval), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 72) in the year of 1470 is not known-surviving in 1470 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England
Person SourceJohn Kerrich, III, had person sources.2
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1426] Dean Family Tree, Mrs. John Kerrich
  2. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of William-by John

F, #12703, Deceased, b. 1399, d. 1419
Pedigree Link


Family: John Kerrich, III, (b. 1398, d. 1470)

Son*William Kerrich, I.+ (b. about 1418, d. 1470)


Birth1399(Mother), of William-by John, was born in 1399 in Saxtead, Suffolk County, England (Medieval), EuropeG.
Marriage1415John Kerrich, III, and she were married in 1415 in County of Suffolk, England (Medieval), EuropeG+.1
Death1419She died in 1419 at age ~20 in County of Suffolk, England (Medieval), EuropeG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1419 is not known-surviving in 1419 was difficult & it occurred in Medieval England2
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1426] Dean Family Tree, Mrs. John Kerrich
  2. [S1425] Davis/Black/Buckingham/Pinney Family Tree, Mrs. John Kerrich

Orelie van Ess

F, #12704, Deceased, b. 8 May 1877, d. 20 March 1953


Father*Ernest van Ess (b. 14 June 1852, d. 30 April 1932)
Mother*Virginie Julie Lemmens (b. about January 1851, d. 30 July 1935)
Pedigree Link


Family: James H. Alsteen (b. 28 January 1873, d. 20 December 1952)

Son*Leroy Peter Alsteen (b. 16 October 1915, d. 20 August 1968)


Birth8 May 1877Orelie van Ess was born on 8 May 1877 in Champion, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Marriage5 September 1900James H. Alsteen and she were married on 5 September 1900 in Champion, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Death20 March 1953She died The cause of her death (at the age of 76) on Friday, March 20th, 1953 is not known on 20 March 1953 at age 75 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter March 1953She was buried after March 1953 at Buried in an unknown cemetery (location presumed)G in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Person SourceOrelie van Ess had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

James H. Alsteen

M, #12705, Deceased, b. 28 January 1873, d. 20 December 1952


Father*William Alsteen (b. 4 May 1849, d. 2 March 1926)
Mother*Rosella DeWitt (b. May 1851, d. 8 May 1923)
Pedigree Link


Family: Orelie van Ess (b. 8 May 1877, d. 20 March 1953)

Son*Leroy Peter Alsteen (b. 16 October 1915, d. 20 August 1968)


Birth28 January 1873James H. Alsteen was born on 28 January 1873 in Tonet, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Marriage5 September 1900He and Orelie van Ess were married on 5 September 1900 in Champion, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Death20 December 1952He died The cause of his death (at the age of 79) on Saturday, December 20th, 1952 is not known on 20 December 1952 at age 79 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter December 1952He was buried after December 1952 at Buried in an unknown cemetery (location presumed)G in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Person SourceJames H. Alsteen had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Bernard Henry Smet

M, #12706, Deceased, b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963


Father*Joseph Smits (b. 25 January 1847, d. 6 December 1920)
Mother*Barbara Mary Isabella Rodaer (b. 8 February 1853, d. 2 April 1944)
Pedigree Link


Family: Marie Grace VerBunker (b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967)

Daughter*Josephine Barbara Smet (b. 9 December 1921, d. 2 February 1983)
Daughter*Frances Katherine Smet (b. 25 December 1922, d. 12 July 2014)
Son*Dennis Louis Smet, Sr. (b. 9 April 1926, d. 14 December 1990)
Son*John Lawrence Smet (b. 11 May 1928, d. 6 May 1990)
Daughter*Ethel M. Smet (b. 10 May 1930, d. 9 December 2007)
Son*Kenneth Norbert Smet (b. 3 February 1931, d. 3 September 1993)
Daughter*Elizabeth June Beatrice Smet (b. 2 June 1933, d. 20 August 2017)
Daughter*Margaret Smet (b. 15 February 1936, d. 21 February 2001)
Daughter*Violet J. Smet (b. 19 February 1937, d. 29 August 1998)
Son*Ernest David Smet (b. 10 May 1938, d. 13 November 1995)
Daughter*Helen Marie Smet (b. 25 July 1939, d. 3 November 2021)
Daughter*Carol Frances Smet (b. 30 November 1940, d. 5 May 2015)
Daughter*Mary Ann Smet (b. 24 October 1943, d. 1945)

Person Exhibits

Smet family [in People]
Location: Lena, WI


Birth26 October 1894Bernard Henry Smet was born on 26 October 1894 in De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Marriage18 September 1917He and Marie Grace VerBunker were married on 18 September 1917 at St Charles Catholic ChurchG in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.1
Death21 February 1963He died The cause of his death (at the age of 69) on Thursday, February 21st, 1963 is not known on 21 February 1963 at age 68 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter February 1963He was buried after February 1963 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Person SourceBernard Henry Smet had person sources.2
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S2031], Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Records, 1820-2004, Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, Wisconsin; Wi Marriage Records 1907-1939
  2. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Marie Grace VerBunker

F, #12707, Deceased, b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967


Father*Jean-Baptiste VerBunker (b. 22 February 1873, d. 15 July 1947)
Mother*Rebecca Abbie Marois Morris (b. 23 December 1879, d. 7 May 1953)
Pedigree Link


Family: Bernard Henry Smet (b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963)

Daughter*Josephine Barbara Smet (b. 9 December 1921, d. 2 February 1983)
Daughter*Frances Katherine Smet (b. 25 December 1922, d. 12 July 2014)
Son*Dennis Louis Smet, Sr. (b. 9 April 1926, d. 14 December 1990)
Son*John Lawrence Smet (b. 11 May 1928, d. 6 May 1990)
Daughter*Ethel M. Smet (b. 10 May 1930, d. 9 December 2007)
Son*Kenneth Norbert Smet (b. 3 February 1931, d. 3 September 1993)
Daughter*Elizabeth June Beatrice Smet (b. 2 June 1933, d. 20 August 2017)
Daughter*Margaret Smet (b. 15 February 1936, d. 21 February 2001)
Daughter*Violet J. Smet (b. 19 February 1937, d. 29 August 1998)
Son*Ernest David Smet (b. 10 May 1938, d. 13 November 1995)
Daughter*Helen Marie Smet (b. 25 July 1939, d. 3 November 2021)
Daughter*Carol Frances Smet (b. 30 November 1940, d. 5 May 2015)
Daughter*Mary Ann Smet (b. 24 October 1943, d. 1945)


Birth25 May 1901Marie Grace VerBunker was born on 25 May 1901 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Marriage18 September 1917Bernard Henry Smet and she were married on 18 September 1917 at St Charles Catholic ChurchG in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.1
Death3 April 1967She died The cause of her death (at the age of 66) on Monday, April 3rd, 1967 is not known on 3 April 1967 at age 65 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burial3 April 1967She was buried on 3 April 1967 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Person SourceMarie Grace VerBunker had person sources.2
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S2031], Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Records, 1820-2004, Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, Wisconsin; Wi Marriage Records 1907-1939
  2. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Rosella DeWitt

F, #12708, Deceased, b. May 1851, d. 8 May 1923


Father*Francois DeWitt (b. 1818, d. 28 August 1897)
Mother*Anna Maria Caelwaerts (b. about 1830, d. 1873)
Pedigree Link


Family: William Alsteen (b. 4 May 1849, d. 2 March 1926)

Son*James H. Alsteen+ (b. 28 January 1873, d. 20 December 1952)


BirthMay 1851Rosella DeWitt was born in May 1851 in Belgium, EuropeG.
Death8 May 1923She died The cause of her death (at the age of 72) on Tuesday, May 8th, 1923 is not known on 8 May 1923 at age ~72 in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter May 1923She was buried after May 1923 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location is presumed (data in image of gravestone is sparse) / NFIA
Person SourceRosella DeWitt had person sources.1
Arrivalafter 1873She arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around after 1873 an actual Immigration event may not be present. The Arrival fact was created from differing birth & death locations; date is from mother's death & location is presumed / NFIA
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

William Alsteen

M, #12709, Deceased, b. 4 May 1849, d. 2 March 1926


Father*Jacques Jacob Alsteen (b. 25 July 1834, d. 27 November 1921)
Mother*Katherine van Eyck (b. 24 June 1840, d. 13 May 1922)
Pedigree Link


Family: Rosella DeWitt (b. May 1851, d. 8 May 1923)

Son*James H. Alsteen+ (b. 28 January 1873, d. 20 December 1952)


Birth4 May 1849William Alsteen was born on 4 May 1849 in Huldenberg, Brabant-Flemish Province, Belgium, EuropeG.1
Death2 March 1926He died The cause of his death (at the age of 77) on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1926 is not known on 2 March 1926 at age 76 in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin2
Burialafter March 1926He was buried after March 1926 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location is presumed (data in image of gravestone is sparse) / NFIA3
Immigration1872William Alsteen immigrated in 1872 to New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+. William moved from Belgium to the US in 1872, location is presumed; source was lost
Residence1880He lived in Casco, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1880. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1900He lived at Wards 1-9, 13, 17 & 21 in Precinct 2 (and others) of Green Bay CityG, in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1900. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA4
Residence1905He lived in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1905. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA5
Residence1910He lived in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA6
Residence1920He lived at Wards 1-9, 13, 17 & 21 in Precinct 2 (and others) of Green Bay CityG, in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1920. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1698] "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), Wm Alsten, Casco, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States; citing enumeration district ED 50, sheet 203A, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,255,431.
  2. [S1697] Green Bay Press Gazette Obituary
  3. [S1702] "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 30 May 2020), William Alsteen, 1926; Burial; citing record ID , Find a Grave,
  4. [S1701] "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 February 2021), William Alsteen, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23, sheet 6A, family 93, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,778.
  5. [S1699] "Wisconsin State Census, 1905," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 29 January 2021), Wm Alsteen, Wisconsin, United States; citing p. 704, line 64, State Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,020,440.
  6. [S1700] "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 February 2021), William Alsteen, Green Bay, Brown, Wisconsin, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 24, sheet 7A, family 111, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1702; FHL microfilm 1,375,715.

Rebecca Abbie Marois Morris

F, #12710, Deceased, b. 23 December 1879, d. 7 May 1953


Father*Francis Frank Marois (b. June 1853, d. 30 March 1921)
Mother*Marguerite Amanda Laverdure (b. 10 July 1857, d. 2 February 1922)
Pedigree Link


Family: Jean-Baptiste VerBunker (b. 22 February 1873, d. 15 July 1947)

Daughter*Marie Grace VerBunker+ (b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967)


Birth23 December 1879Rebecca Abbie Marois Morris was born on 23 December 1879 in Québec, Province du Québec, Canada (North America)G.
Death7 May 1953She died The cause of her death (at the age of 74) on Thursday, May 7th, 1953 is not known on 7 May 1953 at age 73 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Person SourceRebecca Abbie Marois Morris had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Jean-Baptiste VerBunker

M, #12711, Deceased, b. 22 February 1873, d. 15 July 1947


Father*Nicholas Verboncoeur Bunker (b. 14 April 1836, d. 30 November 1915)
Mother*Olive Eva Poulin (b. 11 October 1837, d. 28 December 1911)
Pedigree Link


Family: Rebecca Abbie Marois Morris (b. 23 December 1879, d. 7 May 1953)

Daughter*Marie Grace VerBunker+ (b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967)


Birth22 February 1873Jean-Baptiste VerBunker was born on 22 February 1873 in Kewaunee, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Death15 July 1947He died The cause of his death (at the age of 74) on Tuesday, July 15th, 1947 is not known on 15 July 1947 at age 74 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
NameJean-Baptiste VerBunker was also known as Bunker VerBoncoeur.
Person SourceHe had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Joseph Smits

M, #12712, Deceased, b. 25 January 1847, d. 6 December 1920


Father*Albert Benedictus Smet (b. 1817, d. after 1847)
Mother*Marie VerBergmean (b. 1827, d. after 1847)
Pedigree Link


Family: Barbara Mary Isabella Rodaer (b. 8 February 1853, d. 2 April 1944)

Son*Bernard Henry Smet+ (b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963)


Birth25 January 1847Joseph Smits was born on 25 January 1847 at St Nicholas, BelgiumG, in The Netherlands, EuropeG+.
Marriage28 November 1874He and Barbara Mary Isabella Rodaer were married on 28 November 1874 in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+.1
Death6 December 1920He died The cause of his death (at the age of 73) on Monday, December 6th, 1920 is not known on 6 December 1920 at age 73 in De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 1920He was buried after 1920 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location presumed from death2
Arrival1870Joseph Smits arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around in 1870 an actual Immigration event may not be present. The Arrival fact was created from differing birth & death locations; the date is from son's DOB in the US (location is a guess based on the date) / NFIA3
Naturalization9 June 1890He was naturalized on 9 June 1890.
Last Edited 3 November 2024


  1. [S2034], Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Index, 1808-1907, Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, Wisconsin; Pre-1907 Vital Records Collection
  2. [S2025], U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current
  3. [S1925], U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; Soundex Index to Naturalization Petitions For the United States District and Circuit Courts, Northern District of Illinois and Immigration and Naturalization Service District 9, 1840-1950 (M1285); M

Ide de Mompré

F, #12713, Deceased, b. about 1425, d. after 1440
Pedigree Link


Family: Jean van denRyne (b. about 1425, d. after 1440)

Daughter*Beatrice van denRyne+ (b. about 1440, d. after 1456)


Birthabout 1425Ide de Mompré was born about 1425.
Deathafter 1440She died after 1440 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 15) in the year of 1440 is not known-surviving in 1440 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person SourceIde de Mompré had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Virginie Julie Lemmens

F, #12714, Deceased, b. about January 1851, d. 30 July 1935


Father*Jean Joseph Lemmens (b. 6 February 1818, d. 22 March 1850)
Mother*Marie Therese Mercier (b. 7 January 1821, d. 1913)
Pedigree Link


Family: Ernest van Ess (b. 14 June 1852, d. 30 April 1932)

Daughter*Orelie van Ess+ (b. 8 May 1877, d. 20 March 1953)


Birthabout January 1851Virginie Julie Lemmens was born about January 1851 in Thorembais-Saint-Trond, Brabant-Walloon Province, Belgium, EuropeG. Date updated to reflect her Father's death of 22 Mar 1850
Marriage6 July 1873Ernest van Ess and she were married on 6 July 1873 in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+.
Death30 July 1935She died The cause of her death (at the age of 84) on Tuesday, July 30th, 1935 is not known on 30 July 1935 at age ~84 in Thorembais-Saint-Trond, Brabant-Walloon Province, Belgium, EuropeG. Her death is not known & it occurred in Belgium (location not known; used birth place)
NameVirginie Julie Lemmens was also known as Lemmense.
Person SourceShe had person sources.1
Arrivalbefore 1873She arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around before 1873 an actual Immigration event may not be present.
Last Edited 3 November 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Barbara Mary Isabella Rodaer

F, #12715, Deceased, b. 8 February 1853, d. 2 April 1944


Father*Jean Baptiste Rodaer, Jr. (b. 9 November 1827, d. 18 December 1906)
Mother*Catherine Ann Rodaer, Cauwenberghs (b. 24 July 1830, d. 26 February 1913)
Pedigree Link


Family: Joseph Smits (b. 25 January 1847, d. 6 December 1920)

Son*Bernard Henry Smet+ (b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963)


Birth8 February 1853Barbara Mary Isabella Rodaer was born on 8 February 1853 at BrabantG in Oud-Heverlee, Brabant-Flemish Province, Belgium, EuropeG.
Marriage28 November 1874Joseph Smits and she were married on 28 November 1874 in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+.1
Death2 April 1944She died The cause of her death (at the old-age of 91) on Sunday, April 2nd, 1944 is not known on 2 April 1944 at age 91 in De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 1944She was buried after 1944 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location presumed from death2
NameBarbara Mary Isabella Rodaer was also known as Roder.
Arrivalbefore 1875She arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around before 1875 an actual Immigration event may not be present. The Arrival fact was created from differing birth & death locations; the date is from son's DOB in the US (location is a guess based on the date) / NFIA
Last Edited 3 November 2024


  1. [S2034], Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Index, 1808-1907, Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, Wisconsin; Pre-1907 Vital Records Collection
  2. [S2025], U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current

Frances Katherine Smet

F, #12716, Deceased, b. 25 December 1922, d. 12 July 2014


Father*Bernard Henry Smet (b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963)
Mother*Marie Grace VerBunker (b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967)
Pedigree Link


Birth25 December 1922Frances Katherine Smet was born on 25 December 1922 in County of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.1
Marriage16 February 1942Harold William Last and she were married on 16 February 1942 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.2
Death12 July 2014She died The cause of her death (at the old-age of 92) on Saturday, July 12th, 2014 is not known on 12 July 2014 at age 91 in County of Marinette, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 2014She was buried after 2014 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in County of Marinette, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location presumed from death
Residence1930Frances Katherine Smet lived in Oneida, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1930. Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Daughter3
Last Edited 2 July 2023


  1. [S2025], U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current
  2. [S2039] Kern, Frances Katherine Smet
  3. [S1804], 1930 United States Federal Census, Year: 1930; Census Place: Oneida, Outagamie, Wisconsin; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0045; FHL microfilm: 2342338

Dennis Louis Smet, Sr.

M, #12717, Deceased, b. 9 April 1926, d. 14 December 1990


Father*Bernard Henry Smet (b. 26 October 1894, d. 21 February 1963)
Mother*Marie Grace VerBunker (b. 25 May 1901, d. 3 April 1967)
Pedigree Link


Birth9 April 1926Dennis Louis Smet, Sr., was born on 9 April 1926 in County of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Death14 December 1990He died The cause of his death (at the age of 64) on Friday, December 14th, 1990 is not known on 14 December 1990 at age 64 in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 1990He was buried after 1990 at Buried in an unknown cemeteryG in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Location presumed from death
NameDennis Louis Smet, Sr., was also known as Lewis.1
Residence1930He lived in Oneida, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1930. Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Son2
Last Edited 2 July 2023


  1. [S2025], U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current
  2. [S1804], 1930 United States Federal Census, Year: 1930; Census Place: Oneida, Outagamie, Wisconsin; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0045; FHL microfilm: 2342338

Marie Smet

F, #12718, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 25 April 2023

Virginia Smet

F, #12719, Living
Pedigree Link
Last Edited 25 April 2023

Jean van denRyne

M, #12720, Deceased, b. about 1425, d. after 1440
Pedigree Link


Family: Ide de Mompré (b. about 1425, d. after 1440)

Daughter*Beatrice van denRyne+ (b. about 1440, d. after 1456)


Birthabout 1425Jean van denRyne was born about 1425.
Deathafter 1440He died after 1440 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of his death (as a teenager aged 15) in the year of 1440 is not known-surviving in 1440 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person SourceJean van denRyne had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Jeanne van Halewyn

F, #12721, Deceased, b. about 1455, d. 20 April 1510


Father*Johan van Halewyn (b. 1415, d. 1478)
Mother*Beatrice van denRyne (b. about 1440, d. after 1456)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1455Jeanne van Halewyn was born about 1455.
Death20 April 1510She died on 20 April 1510 at age ~55 at MalinesG+ in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium, EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 55) on Wednesday, April 20th, 1510 is not known-surviving in 1510 was difficult & it occurred in Belgium1
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Margareta van Halewyn

F, #12722, Deceased, b. about 1456, d. 1496


Father*Johan van Halewyn (b. 1415, d. 1478)
Mother*Beatrice van denRyne (b. about 1440, d. after 1456)
Pedigree Link


Birthabout 1456Margareta van Halewyn was born about 1456.
Death1496She died in 1496 at age ~40 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the age of 40) in the year of 1496 is not known-surviving in 1496 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent1
Last Edited 25 April 2023


  1. [S1823], Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

Ernest van Ess

M, #12723, Deceased, b. 14 June 1852, d. 30 April 1932


Father*Gregor van Ess (b. 16 January 1830, d. 16 September 1899)
Mother*Rosalie Decastre (b. 25 December 1830, d. 1868)
Pedigree Link


Family: Virginie Julie Lemmens (b. about January 1851, d. 30 July 1935)

Daughter*Orelie van Ess+ (b. 8 May 1877, d. 20 March 1953)


Birth14 June 1852Ernest van Ess was born on 14 June 1852 in Bolinne, Namur, Belgium, EuropeG.
Marriage6 July 1873He and Virginie Julie Lemmens were married on 6 July 1873 in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+.
Death30 April 1932He died The cause of his death (at the age of 80) on Saturday, April 30th, 1932 is not known on 30 April 1932 at age 79 in State of Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin
Burialafter 30 April 1932He was buried after 30 April 1932 at Buried in Saint Josephs CemeteryG in Champion, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G.
Arrivalbefore 1873Ernest van Ess arrived in the US at at Arrival in the Port of New York (prior to 1892 when Ellis Island opened)G+ in New York City, New York Metropolitan Area, New York, United States (North America)G+, on or around before 1873 an actual Immigration event may not be present. The Arrival fact was created from differing birth & death locations; date is from marriage date & location is presumed / NFIA
Residence1880He lived in County of Brown, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G+, in 1880. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1900He lived at Green Bay TownG in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1900. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1905He lived at Green Bay TownG in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1905. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA1
Residence1910He lived in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1910. Resource event had no description; added / NFIA
Residence1920He lived in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1920. Census
Residence1930He lived in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G, in 1930. Census
Last Edited 3 November 2024


  1. [S1685] "Wisconsin State Census, 1905," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 29 January 2021), Ernest Vamcess, Wisconsin, United States; citing p. 702, line 62, State Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,020,440.

Henry Woodard

M, #12724, Deceased, b. 1659, d. 3 July 1716


Father*Francis Woodard (b. about 1625, d. 15 August 1679)
Mother*Ann Hayes (b. 1638, d. 1679)
Pedigree Link


Family: Mary Martin (b. 1634, d. 31 July 1716)

Son*John Woodard+ (b. 1673, d. 21 November 1734)
Son*Joel Woodard (b. 1680, d. after 1680)
Daughter*Mary Woodard (b. 1682, d. after 1682)
Son*Henry Woodard (b. 15 May 1695, d. 30 November 1698)


Birth1659Henry Woodard was born in 1659 in The Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America (North America)G+.
Marriage1678He and Mary Martin were married in 1678 in Bath, Colonial County of Beaufort, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America (North America)G.1
Death3 July 1716He died on 3 July 1716 at age ~57 in Bath, Colonial County of Beaufort, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of his death (at the age of 57) on Friday, July 3rd, 1716 is not known-surviving in 1716 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Colony of North Carolina
Person SourceHenry Woodard had person sources.1
Probateabout 1734He had his estate probated about 1734 in Colonial County of Beaufort, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America (North America)G.
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1169] Dec of Samuel Barton.FBK.FTW2, This source is connected to her birth, death and marriage to Henry; also with 3 of their children

    A websearch for the citation produced dozens of references, none of which were ascertained to be of value…, Mary Martin

Joel Woodard

M, #12725, Deceased, b. 1680, d. after 1680


Father*Henry Woodard (b. 1659, d. 3 July 1716)
Mother*Mary Martin (b. 1634, d. 31 July 1716)
Pedigree Link


Birth1680Joel Woodard was born in 1680 in Bath, Colonial County of Beaufort, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America (North America)G. Location presumed from birth of siblings
Deathafter 1680He died after 1680 in Bath, Colonial County of Beaufort, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) in the year of 1680 is not known-surviving in 1680 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Colony of North Carolina
Person SourceJoel Woodard had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 November 2022


  1. [S1169] Dec of Samuel Barton.FBK.FTW2, This source is connected to her birth, death and marriage to Henry; also with 3 of their children

    A websearch for the citation produced dozens of references, none of which were ascertained to be of value…, Mary Martin