Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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Mayflower Ship

The Passenger List of the Pilgrim ship, Mayflower
People marked with a star (*) died in British Colonial America during the winter of 1620-21 & were likely buried in unmarked graves at Burial Hill-many of them are named on the Pilgrim Memorial Tomb; see more details in the Burial note for William Bradford III.
People marked with [#nnn] are in DJ's tree.
Dates listed below need 10 days added-the Pilgrims used a different calendar

Members of the Leiden Congregation, Holland
Allerton, Isaac (possibly Suffolk)
Mary (Norris) Allerton*, wife (Newbury, Berkshire)
Bartholomew Allerton, 7, son (Leiden, Holland)
Remember Allerton, 5, daughter (Leiden)
Mary Allerton, 3, daughter (Leiden). She died in 1699, the last surviving Mayflower passenger
Bradford, William (Austerfield, Yorkshire) [#9120]
Dorothy May*, wife (Wisbech, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire) [#11559]
Brewster, William (possibly Nottingham)
Mary Brewster, wife
Love/Truelove Brewster, 9, son (Leiden)
Wrestling Brewster, 6, son (Leiden)
Carver, John (possibly Yorkshire)
Katherine (Leggett) (White) Carver, wife (probably Sturton-le-Steeple, Nottinghamshire)
Chilton, James* (Canterbury, Kent)
Mrs. (James) Chilton*, wife
Mary Chilton, 13, daughter (Sandwich, Kent)
Cooke, Francis
John Cooke, 13, son (Leiden)
Cooper, Humility, 1, (probably Leiden) baby daughter of Robert Cooper, in company of her aunt Ann Cooper Tilley, wife of Edward Tilley
Crackstone/Crackston, John* (possibly Colchester, Essex)
John Crackstone, son
Fletcher, Moses* (Sandwich, Kent)
Fuller, Edward* (Redenhall, Norfolk)
Mrs. (Edward) ____Fuller*, wife
Samuel Fuller, 12, son
Fuller, Samuel (Redenhall, Norfolk), (brother to Edward)
Goodman, John (possibly Northampton)
Priest, Degory*
Rogers, Thomas* (Watford, Northamptonshire) [#14782]
Joseph Rogers, 17, son (Watford, Northamptonshire) [#9640]
Samson, Henry, 16, (Henlow, Bedfordshire) child in company of his uncle and aunt Edward and Ann Tilley
Tilley, Edward* (Henlow, Bedfordshire)
Ann (Cooper) Tilley* (Henlow, Bedfordshire) wife of Edward and aunt of Humilty Cooper and Henry Samson
Tilley, John* (Henlow, Bedfordshire) [#13236]
Joan Hurst*, wife (Henlow, Bedfordshire) [#407]
Elizabeth Tilley, 13, daughter (Henlow, Bedfordshire) [#13240]
Tinker, Thomas* (possibly Norfolk)
Mrs. Thomas Tinker*, wife
boy Tinker*, son, died in the winter of 1620
Turner, John* (possibly Norfolk)
boy Turner*, son, died in the winter of 1620
boy Turner*, younger son. died in the winter of 1620
White, William* / his sister Bridget was John Robinson's wife;
John Robinson was Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers leading the Separatists since his days at college at Cambridge
Susanna White, wife, widowed February 21, 1621. She subsequently married Pilgrim Edward Winslow
Resolved White, 5, son, wife was Judith Vassal
Peregrine White, son. Born on board the Mayflower in Cape Cod Harbor in late November 1620. First European born to the Pilgrims in America
Williams, Thomas
Winslow, Edward (Droitwich, Worcestershire)
Elizabeth (Barker) Winslow, wife

Servants of the Leiden Congregation, Holland
Butten, William* (possibly Nottingham), "a youth", indentured servant of Samuel Fuller, died during the voyage.
He was the first passenger to die on the journey on November 16, three days before Cape Cod was sighted
____, Dorothy, teenager, maidservant of John Carver
Hooke, John*, (probably Norwich, Norfolk) age 13, apprenticed to Isaac Allerton, died during the first winter
Howland, John, (Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire), about 21, manservant and executive assistant for Governor John Carver [#13235]
Latham, William, (possibly Lancashire), age 11, servant and apprentice to the John Carver family
Minter, Desire, (Norwich, Norfolk), a servant of John Carver whose parents died in Leiden

Passengers recruited by Thomas Weston, of London Merchant Adventurers
Billington, John (possibly Lancashire)
Eleanor Billington, wife
John Billington, 16, son
Francis Billington, 14, son
Britteridge, Richard* (possibly Sussex)
Browne, Peter (Dorking, Surrey)
Clarke, Richard*
Eaton, Francis (Bristol, Gloucestershire/Somerset)
Sarah Eaton*, wife
Samuel Eaton, 1, son
Gardiner, Richard (Harwich, Essex)
Hopkins, Stephen (Upper Clatford, Hampshire)
Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins, wife
Giles Hopkins, 12, son by first marriage (Hursley, Hampshire)
Constance Hopkins, 14, daughter by first marriage (Hursley, Hampshire)
Damaris Hopkins, 1-2, daughter
Oceanus Hopkins, born on board the Mayflower while en route to the New World
Margesson, Edmund* (possibly Norfolk)
Martin, Christopher* (Billericay, Essex)
Mary (Prowe) Martin*, wife
Mullins, William* (Dorking, Surrey)
Alice Mullins*, wife
Priscilla Mullins, 18, daughter
Joseph Mullins*, 14, son
Prowe, Solomon* (Billericay, Essex)
Rigsdale, John* (possibly Lincolnshire)
Alice Rigsdale*, wife
Standish, Myles (Standish, Wigan, Lancashire)
Rose Standish*, wife
Warren, Richard (Hertford, England)
Winslow, Gilbert (Droitwich, Worcestershire), brother to Pilgrim Edward Winslow but not known to have lived in Leiden

Servants of Merchant Adventurers passengers
Carter, Robert*, (possibly Surrey), teenager, servant or apprentice to William Mullins, shoemaker
Doty, Edward, (possibly Lincolnshire) age probably about 21, servant to Stephen Hopkins
Holbeck, William*, age likely under 21, servant to William White
Langemore, John*, age under 21, servant to Christopher Martin
Leister, Edward also spelled Leitster, (possibly vicinity of London), aged over 21, servant to Stephen Hopkins
Thompson (or Thomson), Edward*, age under 21, in the care of the William White family,
first passenger to die after the Mayflower reached Cape Cod

Mayflower officers and crew
According to author Charles Edward Banks, the Mayflower had 14 officers consisting of the master, four mates, four quartermasters, surgeon, carpenter, cooper, cook, boatswain, and gunner, plus about 36 men before the mast for a total of about 50; more recent authors estimate a crew of about 30. The entire crew stayed with the Mayflower in Plymouth through the winter of 1620-21, and about half of them died. The surviving crew returned to London on the Mayflower on April 5, 1621

Known crew members
Captain Christopher Jones
John Clarke - First Mate and Pilot
Robert Coppin - Second Mate and Pilot
Giles Heale - ship's surgeon, identified with the Separatists (but not counted as one of the 102 passengers)
Andrew Williamson - Seaman
John Parker - Seaman
Master Leaver - Seaman

Ship crewmen hired to stay one year
John Alden - A 21 year-old from Harwich, Essex, the ship's cooper; he was given the choice of remaining in the colony or
returning to England and decided to remain
John Allerton* - A Mayflower seaman hired as colony labor for one year who was then to return to Leiden to assist church
members with travel to America. He died sometime before the Mayflower departed for England on April 5, 1621
____ Ely - A Mayflower seaman contracted to stay for one year. He returned to England on the Fortune in December 1621 along with William Trevor;
Dr. Jeremy Bangs believes that his name was either John or Christopher Ely, or Ellis, who are documented in Leiden records
Thomas English* - A Mayflower seaman hired to be master of the ship's shallop.
He died sometime before the departure of the Mayflower for England on April 5, 1621
William Trevore - A Mayflower seaman with prior New World experience hired to work in the colony for one year.
He returned to England on the Fortune in December 1621 along with Ely and others. By 1650, he had returned to New England

Animals on board
Two dogs are known to have participated in settling Plymouth. In Mourt's Relation, Edward Winslow writes that a female English Mastiff and a small English Springer-Spaniel came ashore on the first explorations of Provincetown. The ship was probably also carrying small domestic animals such as goats, pigs, and chickens. Larger domestic animals came later, such as cows and sheep

A Mayflower plaque in St. James Church in Shipton, Shropshire commemorates the baptisms of the More family children
(courtesy of Phil Revell)
More, Ellen (Elinor)*, (Shipton, Shropshire), age 8, assigned as a servant of Edward Winslow
She died from illness sometime in November 1620 soon after the arrival of Mayflower in Cape Cod harbor
and likely was buried ashore there in an unmarked grave
More, Jasper*, (Shipton, Shropshire), age 7, indentured to John Carver
He died from illness on board Mayflower on December 6, 1620 and likely was buried ashore on Cape Cod in an unmarked grave
More, Richard, (Shipton, Shropshire), age 6, indentured to William Brewster
He is buried in the Charter Street Burial Ground in Salem, Massachusetts
He is the only Mayflower passenger to have his gravestone still where it was originally placed sometime in the mid-1690s
Also buried nearby in the same cemetery were his wives Christian Hunter More and Jane (Crumpton) More
More, Mary*, (Shipton, Shropshire), age 6, assigned as a servant of William Brewster
She died sometime in the winter of 1620/1621. She and her sister Ellen are recognized on the Pilgrim Memorial Tomb in Plymouth
Soule, George, (possibly Bedfordshire), 21-25, servant or employee of Edward Winslow
Story, Elias*, age under 21, in the care of Edward Winslow
Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family