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The Plymouth Colony (West of the Cape Cod Bay), British Colonial America (North America)

The Colony of Plymouth was located in Plymouth Bay (a western part of the Cape Cod Bay) and it went from the west in Sandwich around and up past Provincetown at the northern top of the "hook"

Cape Cod Bay is a large bay of the Atlantic Ocean to the east of Massachusetts-Massachusetts Bay lies to the north of Cape Cod Bay. In 1524 the great Italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to discover Cape Cod Bay, his claim proved by a map of 1529 which clearly outlined the bay

Since 1914, Cape Cod has been separated from the mainland by the canal that cuts 7 miles (11 km) across the base of the peninsula

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In 1620, the arriving Pilgrims from England (the Mayflower Pilgrims) first sheltered in Provincetown Harbor before relocating across the bay to the Plymouth Colony where they signed the Mayflower Compact, the first democratic document signed in the New World; some of the later arrivals shown here are a guess

The Plymouth Colony (sometimes named as "Plimouth") was an English colonial venture in America from 1620 to 1691 at a location that had previously been surveyed and named by Captain John Smith

The settlement served as the capital of the colony and developed as the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. At its height, Plymouth Colony occupied most of the southeastern portion of Massachusetts

Founded by a group of English Puritan Separatists (initially known as the Brownist Emigration) who came to be known as the Pilgrims, it was the second successful colony to be founded by the English in America after Jamestown in Virginia, and it was the first permanent English settlement in the New England region

The colony established a treaty with Wampanoag Chief Massasoit which helped to ensure its success; in this, they were aided by Squanto, a member of the Patuxet tribe. Plymouth played a central role in King Philip's War (1675–1678), one of several Indian Wars, but the colony was ultimately merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other territories in 1691 to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay

Despite the colony's relatively short existence, Plymouth holds a special role in American history. Most of the citizens of Plymouth were fleeing religious persecution and searching for a place to worship as they saw fit, rather than being entrepreneurs like many of the settlers of Jamestown in Virginia. The social and legal systems of the colony became closely tied to their religious beliefs, as well as to English custom. Many of the people and events surrounding Plymouth Colony have become part of American folklore, including the American tradition of Thanksgiving and the monument of Plymouth Rock

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The Plymouth Colony between 1620 and 1691 [in Places]
A visual of the Plymouth Colony (formed in 1620) which encompasses the Cape Cod Bay and its surrounding areas, Massachusetts Bay to the north, Rhode Island to the West and New York to the South

The town of Plymouth is located in Plymouth Bay, a western part of Cape Cod Bay