References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Father* | Raph Latus (b. 1565, d. after 1595) |
Mother* | Ann Huddlestone (b. 1567, d. after 1595) |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Anthony William Latus+ (b. 22 May 1615, d. 1698) |
Birth | 1595 | Anthony Latus was born in 1595 in Millom, Cumberland, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | 1669 | He died in 1669 at age ~74 at The beckG in Millom, Cumberland, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 74) in the year of 1669 is not known-surviving in 1669 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England |
Person Source | Anthony Latus had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Father* | Anthony Latus (b. 1595, d. 1669) |
Mother* | Margaret Huddleston (b. 1595, d. 19 December 1631) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Margaret Latus+ (b. about 1635, d. after 1660) |
Birth | 22 May 1615 | Anthony William Latus was born on 22 May 1615 in Millom, Cumberland, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | 1698 | He died in 1698 at age ~83 in Whicham, Cumberland, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 83) in the year of 1698 is not known-surviving in 1698 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England |
Person Source | Anthony William Latus had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Father* | Anthony William Latus (b. 22 May 1615, d. 1698) |
Mother* | Agnes Margaret Ambrose (b. 1616, d. December 1678) |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Abraham Shipton+ (b. 1660, d. 1744) |
Birth | about 1635 | Margaret Latus was born about 1635 in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | after 1660 | She died after 1660 in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 25) in the year of 1660 is not known-surviving in 1660 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place) |
Person Source | Margaret Latus had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Father* | John Lettes (b. 1520, d. about 1589) |
Mother* | Ann Maude Rogerys (b. 1522, d. about 1588) |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Anthony Latus+ (b. 1595, d. 1669) |
Birth | 1565 | Raph Latus was born in 1565 in Farnham, Surrey County, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | after 1595 | He died after 1595 in Farnham, Surrey County, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 30) in the year of 1595 is not known-surviving in 1595 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England (location not known; used birth place) |
Person Source | Raph Latus had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Johan Philip Lau (b. 29 March 1722, d. 30 July 1781) |
Daughter* | Catharina Juliana Lau (b. 8 October 1724, d. after 17 October 1732) |
Son* | Johann Peter Lau+ (b. 19 March 1728, d. before 7 March 1806) |
Son* | Hans Jacob Lau (b. 11 December 1730, d. after October 1732) |
Birth | 21 August 1696 | Johann Christmann Lau was born on 21 August 1696 at LembachG in Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Also shown as in "Germany (Valley of the Rhine)" and in "Moravia (N.W. Czech)" Alsace-Lorraine is today in France |
Marriage | 1722 | He and Anna Cleophe Frey were married in 1722 at WingenG in Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Also shown as in 1724; Alsace-Lorraine is today in France |
Death | 21 April 1772 | He died on 21 April 1772 at age 75 in Manchester Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of his death (at the age of 76) on Tuesday, April 21st, 1772 is not known-surviving in 1772 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Pennsylvania DOB shown as in Germany (Valley of the Rhine) and in Moravia (N.W. Czech) Alsace-Lorraine is today in France |
Burial | after 21 April 1772 | He was buried after 21 April 1772 at Buried at Saint Paul's Wolf's Evangelical Covenant Cemetery on Wolf's Creek Rd., near Rt. 30, west of YorkG, in York, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. Christian Lau and his family settled in York, and by 1745 owned a mill on the Codorus Creek just west of what is now the town of Bair He purchased many other tracts of land in both Codorus, Manchester, and Jackson townships Christian was survived by his wife Anna Cleophe Frye and their three sons and two daughters (Philip, Peter, Michael, Anna Mariam, and Maria Magdalena Christian was one of the original trustees of the church where he is buried His grave stone was replaced in a ceremony on July 27, 1932 |
Name | Johann Christmann Lau was also known as Johann Christian. | |
Name | He was also known as Lowe. | |
Note | Christian and Conrad Lau (et al) arrived from Sunderland (NE England) in Philadelphia in the Colony of Pennsylvania on 17-Oct-1732 on a pinke (a type of ship) called the "John and William" as members of Christ Lutheran Church in York, Pastor Rev. John Casper Stover (1733-1743) They were "qualified" as a German Palatine from the area of Lembach in what is now Alsace, France Christian as appointed Constable of Manchester Twp. in 1749 at First session of Court held in York Co Christian's Will is dated 11 Jan 1770, probated 13 May 1772 --------------------------------- For those who do not have access to the 1932 document that was read at Wolfe's Church (now St. Paul's) here is an electronic version I [the author] have taken great care to represent the punctuation as it actually appears. I've also rechecked the spelling of the names and the dates provided. My only insertion is an editorial note on where the page break is in the original document. I hope this is of help to all of you, present and future, who are searching for our past Stephen Christian Law [Lau] HISTORY OF THE LAU FAMILY, 1732 TO 1799, AS READ AT WOLFE’S CHURCH on JULY 24TH, 1932 In the tide of immigration that came to the shores of the New Land in the early part of the Eighteenth Century were many thousands of Palatines from the Valley of the Rhine, who came seeking freedom from civil and religious oppression. These services today are being held in memory of this large multitude who sought to establish a home in the New Land Christian Lau came over in the ship “Pink, John and William” of Sunderland, Constable Tymperton, master from Rotterdam, last from Dover, and landed at Philadelphia, on October 17, 1732. There were 61 men above 16 years and 109 women and children, all classed as “Palatines” on the same ship. Among the names of the men may be found that of “Christian Lau” and Conrad Low, and among the names of the women and children may be found the following: Anna Gluf Lowan, Christian Lowan, Margaret Lowan, Philip Lowan, and Barbara Lowan. There is no doubt but what Christian Lau’s wife and that of several of his children are in the last group mentioned Christian and Conrad Lau are shown as members of Christ Lutheran Church in York during the pastorate of Rev. John Casper Stover, who was pastor of this church from 1733 to 1743. Rev. Stover baptized four of the children of Christian Lau, the first of these four being baptized on February 23, 1735. This is evidence that Christian Lau was living in York County then part of Lancaster County at least as early as the beginning of the year 1735 Christian Lowe was appointed Constable of Manchester Township in 1749 at the first session of Court to be held in York County On April 10, 1750, Christian Lau secured a WARRANT from the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania for 150 Acres of land in Manchester Township. The greater part of this Tract was located in what was then known as “SPRINGETSBURY MANOR.” It is quite evident, however, that Christian Lau was residing along “Codorus” creek near Bairs Station as early as 1745, since reference is made to him in a warrant dated July 26, 1745, granted to his son Philip Lau. This tract known as the “MILL PLACE” was sold to his son-in-law, Casper Kerver, by the heirs of Christian Lau On November 3, 1763, Christian Lau bought a tract of land in Codorus Township, granted to Felix Miller in pursuance of a warrant for 100 acres, dated October 28, 1746. This tract when surveyed in later years was found to contain about 220 acres and was divided into five parts and apportioned to his five surviving children On the same date that Christian Lau bought the Felix Miller tract, he also bought a tract of land in the Manchester Township from Mark Hains for 15 pounds. This tract containing 287 ½ acres adjoined his other land. He sold the same to his son Michael Lau on January 11, 1770, and he in turn devised it to his son Michael 2nd. This tract was patented by three sons of Michael Lau, 2nd; namely: George Lau; Michael Lau, 3rd, and Jonas Lau. This tract was in the Lau name for more that 100 years Christian Lau had also acquired a tract of about 148 acres in what is now Jackson Township, from Nicholas Shuster. On August 23, 1769, he sold this tract to his son-in-law, Casper Kerber. Mr. Lau at one time owner about 750 acres of land in what is now West Manchester Township, Jackson Township, and North Codorus Township Christian Lau’s will was dated January 11, 1770, and probated on May 13, 1772. The first clause of his will reads as follows: “In the name of God, amen. I, Christian Lau, of Manchester Township, in the County of York, in the Province of Pennsylvania, miller, being far advanced in years and very infirm; but yet of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God for the same) and also calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life and that all flesh must die, do make, ordain, publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following (that is to say) first and principally being penitent and heartily sorry for my sins, I commit my soul in the hands of Almighty God, in whom and by whose mercy I trust and assuredly believe to be saved, and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried. And for the disposing of such temporal estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with, I do give, devise and dispose of the same manner following.” The inscription of Christian Lau’s Tombstone in the Cemetery adjoining this Church edifice shows that he was born on August 21, 1696, and died April 21, 1772, at the age of 75 years and 8 months. He left to survive him, his widow, Anna Cleva; and three sons and two daughters; namely, Philip, Peter, Michael, Anna Mariam wife of Elias Eister, and Maria Magdalena, wife of Casper Kerber. His widow Anna Cleva died soon after his decease Philip Lau, oldest son of Christian Lau, was also a holder of large tracts of land. He had secured seven warrants from the proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania for tracts located in Manchester, Codorus and Shrewsbury Townships. The total acreage of these tracts amounted to more than 500 acres, and after his death these tracts were divided among his three sons: Henry and Andrew being awarded the tracts in Manchester and Codorus Townships, and Michael Lau the tract in Shrewsbury Township Philip Lau and his wife Magdalena Genzler, were the parents of the following children: Gertrude, wife of Frederick Miller, Henry, Elizabeth, wife of Philip Rudisill; Andrew, Michael and Magdalena, wife of John Menges. Philip Lau’s will was probated on August 30, 1781 Andrew Lau and Michael Lau, sons of Philip Lau, were tanners by trade, and in later years resided in Berwick Township, now a part of Adams County. John Menges, and his wife Magdalena Lau Menges, were the grandparents of Rev. Peter Livingston and great grandparents of former Congressman Franklin Menges, of York Peter Lau, second son of Christian Lau, was born in 1728, and died in 1806, at the age of 78 years. There was surveyed for him a tract of 281 acres in Codorus Township on account of a warrant dated May 11, 1752, for 150 acres, secured from the proprietaries of Pennsylvania. This tract adjoined his father, Christian Lau’s, land and parts of this tract have been held by Laus and their descendants since 1752 [editor’s note: this is where the front page of the actual document ends; the text below is found on the back page] Peter Lau devised this tract of 281 acres to his two sons, Andrew Lau and George Lau, and a tract of 44 ¼ acres in the same township to his son-in-law, Valentine Bergheimer. Peter Lau and his wife, Susanna Lau, left to survive them, two sons, namely, Andrew and George; and five daughters, namely, Magdalena, wife of George Philip Gentzler; Anna Maria, wife of Daniel Rynold,; Catharina, wife of Valentine Alt; Eve, wife of Rynold, and Susanna, wife of Valentine Bergheimer. The remains of Peter Lau and his wife Susanna Lau are buried in the graveyard at this place Michael Lau, youngest son of Christian Lau, was born May 2nd, 1736, and died June 2nd, 1795. Michael Lau, elder, and his wife Anna Mary Lau, residents of Manchester Township, were the parents of the following children: Peter, Catherine, wife of Christian Null; Magdalen, wife if Henry Wehler; Elizabeth, wife of Henry Winder; Michael, Anna Mary, wife of Philip Gentzler; Margaret, Christian and Susanna. After the decease of Michael Lau, elder, his two surviving sons acquired his real estate; Michael, 2nd, being awarded his father’s dwelling plantation of 287 ½ acres in Manchester Township, and Peter, the eldest son, being awarded a tract of about 300 acres in Codorus Township Michael Lau, the second, born February 23, 1771, died July 16, 1839; was a resident of West Manchester Township. He and his wife, Margaret Eyster, were the parents of the following children: John, Rebecca, wife of Samuel Bowman; Michael, 3rd; George, Jonas, Jacob, Susanna, wife of Solomon Weigel; Elizabeth, wife of John Sleder; Joshua and Anna Maria, wife of William Lau Peter Lau, son of Michael Lau, elder, was a resident of Codorus Township. His wife’s name was Barbara nee Renoll Lau. They were parents of the following children: Michael, Samuel, Daniel, David, Peter, Anna Mary, wife of Jacob Kerchner; Susanna, wife of Christian Rohrbach; Elizabeth, wife of Michael Emig, and Polly Lau Andrew, son of Peter and Susan Lau, was born October 7, 1751, and died 1822. He was a resident of Codorus Township. In his will dated March 21, 1816, and probated February 22, 1822, he names his ten children from his first wife (Elizabeth) as follows: Michael, George (deceased); Susanna, wife of Velta Ald; Elizabeth, wife of Philip Ald; Frederick, Joseph, Christian, Perie, wife of Jacob Raver; Bolly, wife of John Helsel, and Catharina, wife of David Brillhart. His second wife’s name was Magdalena, and their children were: William Lau; Eliza, wife of Daniel Klinedinst; George Lau and Juliana, wife of Abraham Hossler Christian Lau, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Lau, was born August 19, 1782, and died September 30, 1862. He and his wife Rosanna nee Zeigler Lau were the parents of the following children: Elias, father of Rev. J. B. Lau; Peter Lafayette, Julian, wife of George Reber; Catherine, wife of John Gunnet; Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Gunnet; Anna, wife of Jesse Behler; Kassie, wife of John Ruth; Lydia, wife of Daniel Hamm, and Christinna, wife of John Kessler Dr. Henry Eyster Jacobs, who died about two weeks ago, former president of the Mt. Airy Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, was a descendant of Elias Eyster and his wife Anna Maria nee Lau Eyster Family traditions inform us that when the Laus first came to the vicinity of Bairs Station, they lived in a wigwam-like shelter, and that the Laus compensated the Indians for their land, even though they had paid a yearly rent to the Proprietaries. Like William Penn, they felt that the land rightfully belonged to the Indians The names of several of Christian Lau’s grandsons are found in the records of those who served in the Revolutionary War. Among the descendants of Christian Lau, may be found the names of Governors of States, members of State Legislatures, members of Congress, doctors, lawyers, ministers and members of other professions The Christina names: Andrew, George, Michael, Peter, Anna Mary, Elizabeth, Magdalena and Rebecca, are found quite frequently among the Laus There are about forty baptisms of Laus' recorded in the early records of this church, and there are many burials of Laus and their descendants at this place According to the records in the Recorder of Deeds office, in York, Penna., Christian Lau and Peter Lau were the trustees and representatives for the Lutheran Church of Manchester Township, and Peter Wolf and Frederick Remer were the trustees and representatives for the Reformed Protestants, in Manchester Township, on October 15th, 1763, when the first tract of two and one-half acres were bought from Jacob Zeigier for this church property and burial ground ------------------------------- The following is additional data concerning Lau families: John George Lau, [(born 1754, died 1808) son of Peter and Susan Lau,] and his wife Magdalena Lau left issue to survive them: George Lau, Peter Lau, Jacob Lau, Daniel Lau, Eve, wife of George Lau; Margaret, wife of George Baker; Polly, wife of David Kleindinst, and Catharine Lau Peter Lau, [(born April 2, 1802, died 1889 son of Peter and Barbara nee Renoll Lau,] and his wife Nancy nee Hoff Lau to survive them: Jesse Lau, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Senft; Lydia, wife of a Mr. Winand; May, wife of Jonas Royer; Catharine Lau; Peter H. Lau; Sarah, married to a Mr. Pressel, a Mr. Bair and Mr. Michael Klinedinst; Nancy, wife of Mr. George Welsh, and Cornelius H. Lau Michael Lau, 3rd, [(born April 21, 1799, died December 9, 1858), son of Michael Lau, 2nd., and his wife Margaret nee Eyster;] and his wife Catharine nee Wolf Lau were the parents of the following children: Lydia nee Lau Renoll, Hezikiah Lau, Isaac W. Lau, Catharine nee Lau Spangler, Sarah nee Lau Burgard, Rebecca Lau, Michael W. Lau, Elizabeth Jane nee Lau Reynold, and Israel Lau -------------------------------- "Descendants of Christian Lau" manuscript in a Plonk book Christian Lau and his wife Anne Cleva, and sons Philip and Peter, came to America on the ship "Pink John and William" of Sunderland, constable Tymperton, Master from Rotterdam, last from Dover, and landed at Philadelphia, PA, on 17 October 1732 From 1733 to 1743 Christian Lau is shown as a member of Christ Lutheran Church, York, PA. Rev Casper Stover baptised four children of Christian Lau on 23 Feb 1735. In 1749 Christian Lau was appointed Constable of Manchester Township at the first session of Court to be held in York County On April 10, 1750, Christian Lau secured a warrant from the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania for 150-acres of land in Manchester Township. The greater part of this tract was located in what was then known as Springetsbury Manor. At one time he owned 750 acres of land in what is now West Chester Township, Jackson Township and Codorus Township He and his sons Philip, Peter and Michael, lived along the Codorus Creek, near Bair's Station, about nine miles west of York, PA, and about four air-line miles from Thomasville, PA, according to records in the office of Register of Deeds, in York, PA Family traditions informm us that when the Laus first came to the vicinity of Bair's Station they lived in a wigwam-like shelter, and that they compensated athe Indians for their land, even though they paid a yearly rent to the Proprietaries. Like William Penn, they felt that the land rightfully belonged to thel Indians Christian Lau of Manchester Township took the sacrament 17th day of August 1768, was naturalized at York Assises 20th May 1768. (Pa. Arch. 2nd Series, Vol. 2, page 402). !"Our Kin" by Hoffman The surname Lau is also spelled Low, Lowe and Lough. | |
Person Source | He had person sources.1 | |
Baptism | 26 August 1696 | He was baptized on 26 August 1696 at PirmasensG in Pfalz, Bayern, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Arrival | 17 October 1732 | He arrived in the US at in Philadelphia, Colonial County of Philadelphia, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G, on or around on 17 October 1732 an actual Immigration event may not be present. Johann Christmann Lau emigrated with his family to the Colony of Pennsylvania, arriving in Philadelphia on a pinke (a type of ship) called the "John and William" on October 17, 1732 and was "qualified" as a German Palatine from the area of Lembach in what is now Alsace, France |
Occupation | 1749 | In 1749 Johann Christmann Lau was a Constable of Manchester Township in Manchester Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. Assigned at the first session of Court that was held in York County |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Johann Christmann Lau (b. 21 August 1696, d. 21 April 1772) |
Mother* | Anna Cleophe Frey (b. 27 April 1696, d. 1773) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Maria Magdalena Lau+ (b. 22 August 1749, d. 24 September 1801) |
Birth | 19 March 1728 | Johann Peter Lau was born on 19 March 1728 at LembachG in Weißenburg, Alsace-Lorraine, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Alsace-Lorraine is today in France |
Marriage | 1748 | He and Susanna Ness were married in 1748 in Codorus Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Marriage | 1751 | He and Anna Maria were married in 1751 in Codorus Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Marriage | 27 September 1763 | He and Maria Magdalena Gentzler were married on 27 September 1763 in Åbenrå, Sønderjylland, Denmark, EuropeG. |
Death | before 7 March 1806 | He died The cause of his death (at the age of 78) on Friday, March 7th, 1806 is not known before 7 March 1806 in Manchester, York County, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Pennsylvania |
Burial | 7 March 1806 | He was buried on 7 March 1806 at Buried in the St. Paul's (Wolf's) CemeteryG in Manchester, York County, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G. Cause of death is not known / NFIA |
Person Source | Johann Peter Lau had person sources.1 | |
Arrival | 17 October 1732 | He arrived in the US at in Philadelphia, Colonial County of Philadelphia, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G, on or around on 17 October 1732 an actual Immigration event may not be present. He emigrated with his family to the Colony of Pennsylvania, arriving in Philadelphia on a pinke (a type of ship) called the "John and William" on October 17, 1732 |
Historical fact | about 1754 | He; in Codorus Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G, about 1754. Location is presumed; event is from media |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Johann Peter Lau (b. 19 March 1728, d. before 7 March 1806) |
Mother* | Susanna Ness (b. 15 April 1732, d. 1 January 1801) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Margaret Elizabeth Wittmore Ault+ (b. 28 December 1772, d. 28 March 1858) |
Birth | 22 August 1749 | Maria Magdalena Lau was born on 22 August 1749 at West ManchesterG in Manchester Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Marriage | 27 March 1774 | Johann Valentine Ault and she were married on 27 March 1774 at West ManchesterG in Manchester Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Death | 24 September 1801 | She died The cause of her death (at the age of 52) on Thursday, September 24th, 1801 is not known on 24 September 1801 at age 52 in Manchester, York County, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Pennsylvania |
Name | Maria Magdalena Lau was also known as Anna Maria. | |
Person Source | She had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Jochen Lederbogen+ (b. 1625, d. 23 April 1702) |
Birth | 1600 | Lüdicke Ledderbogen was born in 1600 at BornstedtG in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 4 September 1625 | He and Elisabeth Zimmermann were married on 4 September 1625 at BornstedtG in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Also shown as in "Drackenstedt" |
Death | 1662 | He died in 1662 at age ~62 at BornstedtG in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 62) in the year of 1662 is not known-surviving in 1662 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany |
Name | Lüdicke Ledderbogen was also known as Lutike, Ludwig. | |
Person Source | He had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Joachim Zimmermann (b. 1545, d. 11 March 1623) |
Mother* | Susanne Rusche (b. 1564, d. 11 March 1632) |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Jochen Lederbogen+ (b. 1625, d. 23 April 1702) |
Birth | 19 August 1604 | Elisabeth Zimmermann was born on 19 August 1604 at DrackenstedtG, in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 4 September 1625 | Lüdicke Ledderbogen and she were married on 4 September 1625 at BornstedtG in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. Also shown as in "Drackenstedt" |
Death | after 1625 | She died after 1625 in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 21) in the year of 1625 is not known-surviving in 1625 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany (location not known; used birth place) |
Name | Elisabeth Zimmermann was also known as Elsa. | |
Person Source | She had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Raph Latus+ (b. 1565, d. after 1595) |
Birth | 1520 | John Lettes was born in 1520 in Farnham, Surrey County, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | about 1589 | He died about 1589 at age ~69 in England (Tudor), EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 69) in the year of 1589 is not known-surviving in 1589 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England |
Name | John Lettes was also known as Latus. | |
Person Source | He had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Father* | Francis Manbye (b. 2 October 1617, d. 30 April 1699) |
Mother* | Elizabeth Dutton (b. 23 August 1618, d. after 1640) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Elizabeth Hancock+ (b. 18 March 1664, d. 1762) |
Birth | 1640 | Elizabeth Manby was born in 1640 in Uley, Gloucestershire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | 6 March 1689 | She died on 6 March 1689 at age ~49 in Uley, Gloucestershire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 49) on Sunday, March 6th, 1689 is not known-surviving in 1689 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England |
Person Source | Elizabeth Manby had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
References | Don's Family & Direct Ancestors |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Elizabeth Manby+ (b. 1640, d. 6 March 1689) |
Birth | 2 October 1617 | Francis Manbye was born on 2 October 1617 in Burwell, Lincolnshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. |
Death | 30 April 1699 | He died on 30 April 1699 at age 81 in Bracebridge, Lincolnshire, England (Tudor), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 82) on Thursday, April 30th, 1699 is not known-surviving in 1699 was difficult & it occurred in Tudor England |
Person Source | Francis Manbye had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Birth | 3 March 1738 | Anna Maria was born on 3 March 1738 at West ManchesterG in Manchester Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Marriage | 1751 | Johann Peter Lau and she were married in 1751 in Codorus Township, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. |
Death | 13 August 1815 | She died The cause of her death (at the age of 77) on Sunday, August 13th, 1815 is not known on 13 August 1815 at age 77 in County of York, Pennsylvania, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Pennsylvania |
Person Source | Anna Maria had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Catherine McIntee+ (b. November 1836, d. 26 February 1913) |
Birth | 1805 | Bernard McIntee was born in 1805 in County Monaghan, Ireland, EuropeG. |
Death | 18 July 1893 | He died The cause of his death (at the age of 88) on Tuesday, July 18th, 1893 is not known on 18 July 1893 at age ~88 in Saint Eugene, Ontario Province, Canada (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in Ontario Province, Canada |
Person Source | Bernard McIntee had person sources.1 | |
Emigration | after 1871 | He emigrated after 1871 from Eau Claire, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. It is assumed that the family traveled together; the date is after his wife died/location is presumed |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Bernard McIntee (b. 1805, d. 18 July 1893) |
Mother* | Ann Dowd (b. 1805, d. 1871) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Anna Rooney+ (b. 15 June 1852, d. 1 March 1932) |
Birth | November 1836 | Catherine McIntee was born in November 1836 in County Moyvore, Ireland, EuropeG. |
Death | 26 February 1913 | She died The cause of her death (at the age of 77) on Wednesday, February 26th, 1913 is not known on 26 February 1913 at age 76 in Merrillan, Jackson County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin |
Person Source | Catherine McIntee had person sources.1 | |
Emigration | after 1871 | She emigrated after 1871 from Eau Claire, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. It is assumed that the family traveled together; the date is after her mothers death/location is presumed |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Giuseppe Gioanni Domenico Berta+ (b. about 1805, d. 10 April 1857) |
Birth | about 1764 | Antonia Menietto was born about 1764 at PertusioG in Torino, Piemonte, Italy, EuropeG. |
Death | 21 December 1848 | She died The cause of her death (at the age of 84) on Thursday, December 21st, 1848 is not known on 21 December 1848 at age ~84 at PrascorsanoG in Torino, Piemonte, Italy, EuropeG. Her death is not known & it occurred in Italy |
Person Source | Antonia Menietto had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Johann Niclaus Schmidt+ (b. 26 November 1663, d. 31 October 1735) |
Birth | 31 August 1623 | Catharina Elisabeth Möhler was born on 31 August 1623 at SchamederG in Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 24 July 1645 | Johann Theobald Schmidt and she were married on 24 July 1645 at ElsoffG in Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Death | 1680 | She died in 1680 at age ~57 at Erndtebrück-SchamederG in Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of her death (at the age of 57) in the year of 1680 is not known-surviving in 1680 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany |
Person Source | Catharina Elisabeth Möhler had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Ignatius Molski (b. about 1771, d. 15 December 1826) |
Mother* | Rosalia (b. 1757, d. 12 November 1798) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Marianna Molska+ (b. 25 July 1824, d. 18 June 1912) |
Birth | October 1791 | Szymon Molski, Simon, was born in October 1791 in Orlik, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. |
Marriage | about 1819 | He and Josepia Josephine Rzepinski were married about 1819 in Orlik, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. |
Death | 9 December 1844 | He died The cause of his death (at the age of 53) on Monday, December 9th, 1844 is not known on 9 December 1844 at age 53 in Orlik, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. His death is not known & it occurred in Poland |
Person Source | Szymon Molski, Simon, had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Joseph Rzepinski (b. 15 March 1753, d. 7 September 1808) |
Mother* | Marianna Bambinek (b. 20 December 1764, d. 10 January 1829) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Marianna Molska+ (b. 25 July 1824, d. 18 June 1912) |
Birth | February 1801 | Josepia Josephine Rzepinski was born in February 1801 at LeśnoG in Chojnice County, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. |
Marriage | about 1819 | Szymon Molski, Simon, and she were married about 1819 in Orlik, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. |
Death | 24 April 1901 | She died The cause of her death (at the old-age of 100) on Wednesday, April 24th, 1901 is not known on 24 April 1901 at age 100 in Polonia, Portage County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Wisconsin |
Name | Josepia Josephine Rzepinski was also known as Josepia Josephine Lipinski. | |
Person Source | She had person sources.1 | |
Emigration | before 14 July 1861 | She emigrated before 14 July 1861 from Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin, United States (North America)G. It is assumed that the family traveled together (see granddaughter details); the date is sourced/location is presumed |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Szymon Molski, Simon+ (b. October 1791, d. 9 December 1844) |
Birth | about 1771 | Ignatius Molski was born about 1771 at Western GermanyG in Region of Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. DOB was incorrectly shown as about 1800 / adjusted to match child DOB |
Death | 15 December 1826 | He died The cause of his death (at the age of 55) on Friday, December 15th, 1826 is not known on 15 December 1826 at age ~55 at LeśnoG in Chojnice County, Pomerania, Poland, EuropeG. His death is not known & it occurred in Poland |
Person Source | Ignatius Molski had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Hans Martin Motz (b. 21 April 1672, d. 20 April 1720) |
Mother* | Anna Catharina Berlin (b. 17 August 1672, d. 26 March 1724) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Susanna Ness+ (b. 15 April 1732, d. 1 January 1801) |
Birth | 20 October 1701 | Anna Catharina Motz was born on 20 October 1701 at LampertslochG in Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, France, EuropeG. |
Marriage | 6 January 1723 | Matthias Ness, Jr., and she were married on 6 January 1723 in Preuschdorf, Alsace, France, EuropeG. Sourced from Anna's note |
Marriage | 9 September 1749 | Hanß Keÿ and she were married on 9 September 1749 in Rohrbach, Bayern, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Death | September 1767 | She died in September 1767 at age 65 in Shrewsbury, Colonial County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G. The cause of her death (at the age of 66) in September, 1767 is not known-surviving in 1767 was difficult & it occurred in the pre-1776 Province of Pennsylvania |
Note | [ from find-a-grave HTML file ] Daughter of Martin Motz and Anna Catharina Perlin Birth: Oct. 20, 1701 Lampertsloch Germany and batpitzed on 23 Oct 1701 with the following witnesses: Maria Catharina (wife of Hans Georg Stephan from Mitschdorf), Maria (wife of Hans Georg Schafer of Lampertsloch) and Matthaus Beyerman of Lampertsloch She married Matthias Nehs (Ness) Jr. on 6 Jan 1723 at Preuschdorf She and Matthias traveled to America with his family and arrived at Philadelphia on 21 Sep 1731 She and Matthias had six children: Maria Magdalena, John Jacob, Anna Catherina, Susanna, Henry and Peter It is believed that she died sometime before 1767 since she isn't mentioned in Matthias' will. Mathias Nehs (1704-1767.) | |
Person Source | Anna Catharina Motz had person sources.1 | |
Arrival | 21 September 1731 | She arrived in the US at in Philadelphia, Colonial County of Philadelphia, Province of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America (North America)G, on or around on 21 September 1731 an actual Immigration event may not be present. Sourced from note |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Anna Catharina Motz+ (b. 20 October 1701, d. September 1767) |
Birth | 21 April 1672 | Hans Martin Motz was born on 21 April 1672 at MitschdorfG in Kreiss Weissenburg, Alsace, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 18 January 1701 | He and Anna Catharina Berlin were married on 18 January 1701 at PreutschdorfG in Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, France, EuropeG. |
Death | 20 April 1720 | He died on 20 April 1720 at age 47 at LampertslochG in Kreiss Weissenburg, Alsace, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 48) on Saturday, April 20th, 1720 is not known-surviving in 1720 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany |
Person Source | Hans Martin Motz had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Andreas Müller (b. 1595, d. 24 May 1663) |
Mother* | Dorothea Wolter (b. 1606, d. 24 May 1666) |
Pedigree Link |
Daughter* | Gertrud+ (b. 14 December 1666, d. after 2 March 1692) |
Birth | 1644 | Andreas Müller was born in 1644 at MagdeburgG in Diesdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 24 April 1665 | He and Anna Bütthut were married on 24 April 1665 at MagdeburgG in Diesdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Death | April 1690 | He died in April 1690 at age ~46 at MagdeburgG in Diesdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 46) in April, 1690 is not known-surviving in 1690 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany |
Person Source | Andreas Müller had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Father* | Andreas Müller (b. 1660, d. 1713) |
Mother* | Gertrud (b. 14 December 1666, d. after 2 March 1692) |
Pedigree Link |
Birth | 23 November 1688 | Andreas Müller was born on 23 November 1688 in Groß Rodensleben, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Death | after 23 November 1688 | He died after 23 November 1688 in Groß Rodensleben, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of his death (sadly, as an infant in their 1st year) on Tuesday, November 23rd, 1688 is not known-surviving in 1688 as an infant was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany (location not known; used birth place) |
Person Source | Andreas Müller had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |
Pedigree Link |
Son* | Andreas Müller+ (b. 1644, d. April 1690) |
Birth | 1595 | Andreas Müller was born in 1595 in Diesdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Marriage | 8 September 1636 | He and Dorothea Wolter were married on 8 September 1636 at NiederndodelebenG in Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. |
Death | 24 May 1663 | He died on 24 May 1663 at age ~68 in Diesdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germanic Preußen (Prussia), EuropeG. The cause of his death (at the age of 68) on Thursday, May 24th, 1663 is not known-surviving in 1663 was difficult & it occurred in Ancient Germany |
Person Source | Andreas Müller had person sources.1 |
Last Edited | 9 April 2024 |