Don Shave's Ancestral Family Tree

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All Rights Reserved © by Donald J. Shave

Person Page 604

Enos[h] ben Seth, the Most Ancient of the Actual Ancient People--Don's 68th/70th and 80th GGF (via differing tree branches)

M, #15076, Deceased, b. 3769 BCE, d. after 3600 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Most Ancient of Don's Actual Ancients, Enos ben Seth


Pedigree Link


Family 2: (Imagined-Mother), of the entity named "(father-created)" - by Enosh, (b. about 022 BCE, d. after 001)

Son*(Father-Created), of Godolfr, Don's (theoretical) 66th GGM+ (b. about 31 December 001, d. before 1 January 043)

Person Exhibits

An image that was found (I believe) in a church [in People]


Birth3769 BCEEnos[h] ben Seth, the Most Ancient of the Actual Ancient People--Don's 68th/70th and 80th GGF (via differing tree branches), was born in 3769 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+.
Marriagebefore 3650 BCEHe and Nôâm bint Seth, the Wife of the Most Ancient of the Most Ancient Actual People; she is also Don's 80th GGM, were married before 3650 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. While there is no objective evidence for an actual marriage, added for family connections
Deathafter 3600 BCEHe died after 3600 BCE at Cainan, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. The cause of his death in Macedonia (at an improbable age of 169) in the year of 3600BC is not known-surviving in 3600BC as a very (!) old person was difficult
NoteWhile Enos continues to be under research, he will remain as the “Most Ancient of the Actual Ancient People” that are held in Don's tree

He is shown here as a biblical son of Adam and Eve's son, Seth, and he is common to both Don (his 80th GGF & others) and Sandy (her 85th GGF)-FYI, he is also *not* Don's furthest-back generation!!

There are no facts (that can be found) that present anything in his actual parentage from around 5,700 years ago, yet two certainties surround his birth:

a) there was a woman who would have carried him in her womb for 8-9 months after her impregnation
b) by a man who started his son’s life

While the reality of the many, many generations of his successive grand-parents is also certainly true, dates are simply unprovable without facts

A scientific discovery in 2017 of an ancestor of our species ( ) shares that a Homosapien bone (aged ~315,000 years ago) came to us out of a cave, giving an approximate age for the duration of our species, yet, as shared by Richard Dawkins in 2012 ( ), no precise moment of such a birth is possible…

Earlier species of us (who’ve all died out) reach back about 2.8 million years ( ) as shared by the Brittanica encyclopaedic report

It’d be pretty tricky attempting to add these to Don's tree!
Web AddressEnos[h] ben Seth, the Most Ancient of the Actual Ancient People--Don's 68th/70th and 80th GGF (via differing tree branches), shares a website (or access to one) that has source data here:
Person SourceHe had person sources.1
Historical dataafter 3769 BCEHe See note; at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+, after 3769 BCE. Enos bin Seth is shown in a visual image of the Biblical family of Adam and Eve as a child of Seth (hence his name)
Last Edited 27 June 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Seth, a Biblical Person, who would theoretically have been Don's 69th GGF

M, #15077, Deceased, b. circa 3789 BCE, d. about 3769 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link



Birthcirca 3789 BCESeth, a Biblical Person, who would theoretically have been Don's 69th GGF, was born circa 3789 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. DOB is not known
Deathabout 3769 BCEHe died about 3769 BCE at age ~20 at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Ssourced as a Biblical entity (Seth, using God's son Adam as his creator) exists in peoples belief systems only, the death date is estimated from the DOB of his child
NoteSeth is a Biblical entity using God's son Adam as his creator.
Person SourceSeth, a Biblical Person, who would theoretically have been Don's 69th GGF, had person sources.1
Last Edited 11 May 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Azura, a Biblical Person from the Land of Nod (also a half-sister of Seth); she would theoretically have been Don's 69th and 80th GGM (via two branches)

F, #15078, Deceased, b. before 3789 BCE, d. after 3769 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link



Birthbefore 3789 BCEAzura, a Biblical Person from the Land of Nod (also a half-sister of Seth); she would theoretically have been Don's 69th and 80th GGM (via two branches), was born before 3789 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+.
Deathafter 3769 BCEShe died after 3769 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Sourced as the Biblical entity (the half-sister of Seth, child of Adam) exists in peoples belief systems only, her death date is estimated from DOB of her child
Person SourceAzura, a Biblical Person from the Land of Nod (also a half-sister of Seth); she would theoretically have been Don's 69th and 80th GGM (via two branches), had person sources.1
Last Edited 11 May 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Adam, a Biblical Person (created from dust by God) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGF

M, #15079, Deceased, b. about 3900 BCE, d. about 3850 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link


Family 2: Eve, a Biblical Person (created by God using a rib from Adam) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM, (b. about 3899 BCE, d. about 3850 BCE)

Son*Cain, a Biblical Person (b. about 3799 BCE, d. after 3745 BCE)
Son*Abel, a Biblical Person (b. about 3798 BCE, d. after 3750 BCE)
Son*Seth, a Biblical Person, who would theoretically have been Don's 69th GGF+ (b. circa 3789 BCE, d. about 3769 BCE)

Person Exhibits

Biblical representative view of Adam & Eve [in Ancient People & Artifacts]


Birthabout 3900 BCEAdam, a Biblical Person (created from dust by God) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGF, was born about 3900 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. The Biblical entity of Adam exists in peoples belief systems only; added a birth as a timeframe reference
Deathabout 3850 BCEHe died about 3850 BCE at age ~50 at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Sourced as a Biblical entity (Adam, using God as the creator) exists in peoples belief systems only, his imaginary mother was created
NoteAs Adam was created as a Biblical entity using God as his creator, an imaginary mother was created for continuity

sources: WiKi, BibleGateway, LDS

Adam [in WiKi] is a figure in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew and Christian bibles, and is also in the Quran; the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions is that he was the first man

The King James Version of the bible shares Adam’s creation:
“7. The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being”

and later with the creation of Eve:
“21. God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.
22. Then the rib was made into a woman, and God brought her to the man”

[Don tweaked the Biblical wording for clarity]
LDS shares that Adam is the name given to the first man of the Biblical human family on this earth, as cited in the account of the Creation in the book of Genesis; he is also referenced in stories of Moses, Abraham, etc and in many instances in the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and in Doctrines and Covenants

From these Biblical scriptures we are told that Adam is the father and patriarch of the human race on the earth. As the Ancient of Days, he is also known as Michael, the archangel who will [sic] “come again to the earth in power and glory as the patriarch of the human family, preparatory to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ”
In both Genesis and Quran, Adam and his wife were expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil-an apple

The scriptures also certify that his transgression in the Garden of Eden, although designated as a “fall,” was necessary to the advancement and spiritual progress of humanity on this earth, and Adam rightly should be honored, not denigrated

For further information, refer to

and to

and to
Person SourceAdam, a Biblical Person (created from dust by God) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGF, had person sources.1
Descriptionafter 3900 BCEHe was described as after 3900 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Biblical data; refer to attached PDFs for information [also shared under Notes]
Last Edited 6 July 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Eve, a Biblical Person (created by God using a rib from Adam) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM

F, #15080, Deceased, b. about 3899 BCE, d. about 3850 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link


Family: Adam, a Biblical Person (created from dust by God) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGF, (b. about 3900 BCE, d. about 3850 BCE)

Son*Cain, a Biblical Person (b. about 3799 BCE, d. after 3745 BCE)
Son*Abel, a Biblical Person (b. about 3798 BCE, d. after 3750 BCE)
Son*Seth, a Biblical Person, who would theoretically have been Don's 69th GGF+ (b. circa 3789 BCE, d. about 3769 BCE)

Person Exhibits

Biblical representative view of Adam & Eve [in Ancient People & Artifacts]


Birthabout 3899 BCEEve, a Biblical Person (created by God using a rib from Adam) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM, was born about 3899 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Eve as a Biblical entity was created & not born—hence has no actual mother
Deathabout 3850 BCEShe died about 3850 BCE at age ~49 at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Eve is the name given to the first Biblical woman, meaning [sic] “the mother of all living” in the Biblical chapter of Genesis describing the first 7 days, she is created by God from a rib of Adam and becomes his wife
Note--WHO IS EVE?-- source: LDS

Eve is the name given to the first Biblical woman, meaning [sic] “the mother of all living”… in the Biblical Genesis describing the first 7 days, she is created by God from a rib of Adam and becomes his wife; no parents are shown but Don added a mother for consistency.
Person SourceEve, a Biblical Person (created by God using a rib from Adam) would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM, had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 August 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(mother) of Azura-by Adam, a Biblical Person (created IMHO by God as an equivalent to Biblical Eve) she would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM (the last in this branch)

F, #15081, Deceased, b. about 3810 BCE, d. after 3789 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors
Pedigree Link



Birthabout 3810 BCE(mother) of Azura-by Adam, a Biblical Person (created IMHO by God as an equivalent to Biblical Eve) she would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM (the last in this branch), was born about 3810 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Date is estimated from her child's DOB
Deathafter 3789 BCEShe died after 3789 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. Sourced as a Biblical entity, the mother of Azura, a spouse of Adam exists only in peoples belief systems, her death date is estimated from the DOB of her child
NoteCreated as a mother of Azura for continuity.
Person Source(mother) of Azura-by Adam, a Biblical Person (created IMHO by God as an equivalent to Biblical Eve) she would theoretically have been Don's 70th GGM (the last in this branch), had person sources.1
Last Edited 16 February 2025


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Abel, a Biblical Person

M, #15082, Deceased, b. about 3798 BCE, d. after 3750 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 3798 BCEAbel, a Biblical Person, was born about 3798 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+.
Deathafter 3750 BCEHe died after 3750 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 50) in the year of 3750BC was that he was killed by his brother

as a Biblical entity (Abel, the 2nd son of Adam and Eve) exists in peoples belief systems only, he was slain by his older brother, Cain; see his brothers note for more details
Person SourceAbel, a Biblical Person, had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Cain, a Biblical Person

M, #15083, Deceased, b. about 3799 BCE, d. after 3745 BCE
ReferencesDon's Family & Direct Ancestors


Pedigree Link


Birthabout 3799 BCECain, a Biblical Person, was born about 3799 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+.
Deathafter 3745 BCEHe died after 3745 BCE at Shulon, East of Eden (in the Garden of Eden)G, in Žeden Ancient Area, Macedonia, EuropeG+. The cause of his death (at the age of 54) in the year of 3745BC is not known-surviving in 3745BC was difficult

His death and place (used birth location) were not known / NFIA
NoteAccording to the Biblical chapter of Genesis (4:1-16), his brother Abel, a shepherd, had offered Yahweh the firstborn of his flock and was respected for his sacrifice

As Yahweh did not respect what was then offered by Cain, he murdered Abel in a jealous rage.
Person SourceCain, a Biblical Person, had person sources.1
Last Edited 23 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Cornelious Rice

M, #15084, Deceased, b. about 1830, d. after 1871
Pedigree Link


Family: Caladonia (b. about 1840, d. after 1871)

Son*John Richard Rice+ (b. 1871, d. after 1910)


Birthabout 1830Cornelious Rice was born about 1830 in State of Alabama, United States (North America)G.
Deathafter 1871He died The cause of his death (at the age of 41) in the year of 1871 is not known after 1871 in State of Alabama, United States (North America)G. His death is not known & it occurred in the State of Alabama (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceCornelious Rice had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"


F, #15085, Deceased, b. about 1840, d. after 1871
Pedigree Link


Family: Cornelious Rice (b. about 1830, d. after 1871)

Son*John Richard Rice+ (b. 1871, d. after 1910)


Birthabout 1840Caladonia was born about 1840 in State of Alabama, United States (North America)G.
Deathafter 1871She died The cause of her death (at the age of 31) in the year of 1871 is not known after 1871 in State of Alabama, United States (North America)G. Her death is not known & it occurred in the State of Alabama (location not known; used birth place)
Person SourceCaladonia had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Father), of Riley-by Amy

M, #15086, Deceased, b. about 1840, d. after April 1861
Pedigree Link


Family: Amy Kendrick (b. about 1813, d. after 1880)

Son*Riley Kendrick+ (b. April 1861, d. 1915)


Birthabout 1840(Father), of Riley-by Amy, was born about 1840. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter April 1861He died The cause of his death (at the age of 21) in April, 1861 is not known after April 1861 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. His death is not known; as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Father), of Riley-by Amy, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

Mary, of William-by James

F, #15087, Deceased, b. about 1800, d. after 1819
Pedigree Link


Family: James Fry (b. about 1783, d. after 1819)

Son*William Fry+ (b. 1819, d. April 1901)


Birthabout 1800Mary, of William-by James, was born about 1800. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1819She died The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 19) in the year of 1819 is not known after 1819 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. Her death is not known; as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
NameMary, of William-by James, was also known as or Eliz.
Person SourceShe had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Alicia-by John

F, #15088, Deceased, b. about 1505, d. about 1525
Pedigree Link


Family: John Gendall (b. about 1505, d. 1591)

Daughter*Alicia Gendall+ (b. 1525, d. November 1591)


Birthabout 1505(Mother), of Alicia-by John, was born about 1505. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathabout 1525She died about 1525 at age ~20 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1525 is not known-surviving in 1525 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Alicia-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Anne-by John

F, #15089, Deceased, b. about 1666, d. after 1686
Pedigree Link


Family: John Tonson (b. circa 1660, d. after 1686)

Daughter*Anne Tonson+ (b. 1686, d. November 1736)


Birthabout 1666(Mother), of Anne-by John, was born about 1666. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1686She died after 1686 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1686 is not known-surviving in 1686 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Anne-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Edward-by Thomas

F, #15090, Deceased, b. about 1595, d. after 1611
Pedigree Link


Family: Thomas Hayward (b. about 1590, d. after 1611)

Son*Edward Hayward+ (b. about 1611, d. BEF MAYBE 4 MAY 1663)


Birthabout 1595(Mother), of Edward-by Thomas, was born about 1595. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1611She died after 1611 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 16) in the year of 1611 is not known-surviving in 1611 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Edward-by Thomas, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Elizabeth-by Thomas

F, #15091, Deceased, b. about 1555, d. after 1574
Pedigree Link


Family: Thomas Harrys (b. about 1550, d. 1606)

Daughter*Elizabeth Harrys+ (b. 1574, d. February 1617)


Birthabout 1555(Mother), of Elizabeth-by Thomas, was born about 1555. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1574She died after 1574 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 19) in the year of 1574 is not known-surviving in 1574 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Elizabeth-by Thomas, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Emma-by John

F, #15092, Deceased, b. about 1657, d. after 1677
Pedigree Link


Family: John Macy (b. 1650, d. November 1689)

Daughter*Emma Macy+ (b. about 1677, d. after 1713)


Birthabout 1657(Mother), of Emma-by John, was born about 1657. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1677She died after 1677 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1677 is not known-surviving in 1677 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Emma-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Francis-by George

F, #15093, Deceased, b. about 1705, d. after 1724
Pedigree Link


Family: George Sutherland (b. 1695, d. 1763)

Daughter*Francis Agnes Sutherland+ (b. 12 June 1724, d. 1781)


Birthabout 1705(Mother), of Francis-by George, was born about 1705. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1724She died after 1724 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 19) in the year of 1724 is not known-surviving in 1724 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Francis-by George, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of George-by George

F, #15094, Deceased, b. about 1675, d. after 1695
Pedigree Link


Family: George Southerland (b. 1660, d. June 1699)

Son*George Sutherland+ (b. 1695, d. 1763)


Birthabout 1675(Mother), of George-by George, was born about 1675. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1695She died after 1695 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1695 is not known-surviving in 1695 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of George-by George, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of John-by John

F, #15095, Deceased, b. about 1590, d. after January 1607
Pedigree Link


Family: John Botrell (b. about 1590, d. after 1607)

Son*John Botrell+ (b. January 1607, d. about 1681)


Birthabout 1590(Mother), of John-by John, was born about 1590. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter January 1607She died after January 1607 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 17) in January, 1607 is not known-surviving in 1607 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of John-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of John-by Gavin

F, #15096, Deceased, b. about 1690, d. after 1705
Pedigree Link


Family: Gavin Morton (b. 1685, d. about 1705)

Son*John Morton+ (b. 22 April 1705, d. about 1752)


Birthabout 1690(Mother), of John-by Gavin, was born about 1690. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1705She died after 1705 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (as a teenager aged 15) in the year of 1705 is not known-surviving in 1705 as a teenager was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of John-by Gavin, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Joshua-by Robert

F, #15097, Deceased, b. about 1665, d. after 1685
Pedigree Link


Family: Robert Bunny (b. about 1632, d. 1689)

Son*Joshua Bunney+ (b. April 1685, d. 18 April 1764)


Birthabout 1665(Mother), of Joshua-by Robert, was born about 1665. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1685She died after 1685 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1685 is not known-surviving in 1685 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Joshua-by Robert, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Lydia-by John

F, #15098, Deceased, b. about 1530, d. after 1551
Pedigree Link


Family: John Richards (b. 1535, d. 1612)

Daughter*Lydia Jane Richards+ (b. 1551, d. 2 April 1640)


Birthabout 1530(Mother), of Lydia-by John, was born about 1530. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1551She died after 1551 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. The cause of her death (at the age of 21) in the year of 1551 is not known-surviving in 1551 was difficult-as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Lydia-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Mary-by Jeremiah

F, #15099, Deceased, b. about 1745, d. after 1765
Pedigree Link


Family: Jeremiah Rolfe (b. 20 February 1695, d. after 1765)

Daughter*Mary Rolfe+ (b. 1765, d. about 1830)


Birthabout 1745(Mother), of Mary-by Jeremiah, was born about 1745. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Marriage12 January 1759Jeremiah Rolfe and she were married on 12 January 1759 in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG.
Deathafter 1765She died after 1765 in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England (Kingdom of Great Britain), EuropeG. The cause of her death in the Kingdom of Great Britain (location presumed from their marriage) at the presumed age of 20 in the year of 1765 is not known-surviving in 1765 was difficult
Person Source(Mother), of Mary-by Jeremiah, had person sources.1
Last Edited 4 March 2025


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"

(Mother), of Mary-by John

F, #15100, Deceased, b. about 1815, d. after 1835
Pedigree Link


Family: John Honeycutt, Jr., (b. 1779, d. 24 March 1857)

Daughter*Mary Jane Honeycutt+ (b. 24 July 1835, d. 2 March 1865)


Birthabout 1815(Mother), of Mary-by John, was born about 1815. Date estimated from DOB of child / NFIA
Deathafter 1835She died The cause of her death (at the presumed age of 20) in the year of 1835 is not known after 1835 at This global place was used as neither death nor birth locations are knownG in A Conceptual Continent that surrounds the Region of OceaniaG+. Her death is not known; as neither death or birth location are known, used the conceptual continent
Person Source(Mother), of Mary-by John, had person sources.1
Last Edited 9 April 2024


  1. [S1] DJS: Source for an unsourced person, --Citation added for an unsourced person-- Every element of Don's family tree is legally controlled by "All Rights Reserved © April, 1988-to today's date by Don Shave"