Weekend Events at Ferniehirst Castle, Steve’s historical family place

This website shares a small part of the large collection of images that were taken in, around & nearby Steve’s Castle in September, 2023… click any image to view full size?
Also, visit some of the many FaceBook snaps that were uploaded by me, Sandy & Jackie? You do have to log in to access… there are many other locations, too!!

First, here’s the snap of Steve’s surprise arrival snap on Friday evening (with Jackie) and a video… he was stunned!!

Next, views of Ferniehirst Castle snap side snap another snap & 3 snap & 5 snap

Steve meeting with Pete snap view from window snap another snap

The gardens snap again snap the road (in the rain) snap view snap view 2 snap sheep snap

A door snap another door snap outbuildings snap again snap the parking area (at the back of the castle) snap

The Hobgoblin house snap a sign snap the woods snap a ’shroom snap

Here’s a view of those narrow & *steep* stairways! snap another snap & 3 snap & 4 snap Steve Wheeler snap and Tracy, both ascending snap

The Entrance way snap view snap the chapel snap display snap a chair snap a memorial snap

A Tartan dress up snap the Tartans snap Stronghold of the Kerr’s snap a clan map snap more maps snap ladies room (!!) header snap the tree snap

Benny in their room snap and another bedroom snap

Tracy, Luke & Genevieve snap Benny & Steve snap Jackie & Steve snap Jim & Steve snap Kathy etc snap

Sandy snapping someone who was snapping her (!) snap Sandy snap Don snap

Phyllis & hubby snap Several of us snap ditto snap 3 ladies snap Benny snap

Genevieve, Rachel & Aaron snap another snap Luke, Steve & Kathy’s hubby snap Phyllis & Jim snap

Steve, Kathy et al snap

Socially “all dressed up” prior to dinner snap Jackie & Aaron snap Jackie snap Phyllis (left) & Tracy snap 2 ladies snap Chuck & Kathy snap

Ms. & Kathy snap Jackie & Aaron snap Chuck in the dining room snap Steve, Jackie & the Bagpiper snap again snap

Kathy snap Jackie snap

Naming & sorting is in process!
144 snap 145 snap 146 snap 147 snap 149 snap 151 snap 152 snap

153 snap 155 snap 156 snap 168 snap 174 snap 175 snap

Steve, Jackie & the chef snap another view snap and another snap

The dining room area snap a view of the table snap as laid out for dinner snap another snap a 3rd snap

Dinner menu snap displayed on the table snap the appetizer snap & a serving of the Seared Duck Breast snap

Steve, Benny, Sandy (me behind her) snap the table snap Cheers! snap

sipping snap yakking snap awaiting snap Chuck snap

Jedburgh Abbey snap info here snap a view of the gardens snap another view (downwards) snap another view (upwards) snap

The Britannia bell snap and a close-up snap Steve & Jackie snap Jim & Tracy snap

Some movies…

Our young Bagpiper snap and several video captures: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

A video of the war memorials room

The remaining snaps that we caught are presently W-I-P & will get tagged!

Snap 33 snap 34 snap 35 snap 36 snap 37 snap 38 snap 39 snap

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